We Have To What!?

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Kirishima's P.O.V

we sneaked out of the dorms and out past the gate. "There's a bus stop just up here" said Bakugo as we walked. I saw the bus stop and nod. I sat down on the bench and waited. "I hope they can tell us how to take them off..maybe then we will go back to ourselves" I said looking over at Bakugo. His face was neutral and expressionless. I couldn't tell what he was thinking about. The bus stops infront of us and we got on. We sat next to each other and watch people get on then off. We made it to our stop and pressed the button. The bus stops and opened the door. We walked out and walked down the street twords the store.

We walked in. The same cashier from yesterday. A dark haired guy who looked high as the sky. "Hey can you tell me about this necklace" I said lifting the metal. He peaks down at it. "Yeah one second" he said before walking into the back. I heard yelling in Spanish then the guy came back out. "It's a love necklace. You give it to your crush and if they like you back... something good happens" he said trying to keep his eyes open. "What about taking them off?" Asked Bakugo. "One second" he said going back. I looked at Bakugo. Dose he have a crush on me? Is that why we switched bodies?

"Okay so you have to express your love" he said with a smile as he walked back in. "Express love? How" I asked. "You know by...sexy time in the bedroom" he said with a wink. I blush red and Bakugo glares at the guy. "Thanks for the help" I said walking outside. "See ya dudes..have fun" he giggled. It was a silent awkward walk back. The bus ride was the same. No one said anything even when we walked back into the dorms.

"Hey there you two are. Kiri come play truth or dare with us" asked Mina. "Sure" He said putting on a fake smile. I could tell it was forced. I sat down to play as well. "Woah Bakugo is playing...I think a dreaming" said Denki. Mina pinched him. "Ouch" he said rubbing his arm. "See your not dreaming" she said giggling. They laughed and started up the game. Bakugo had that expressionless face again. "Sero truth or dare" said Mina starting off. I tuned out the laughter and dares. I kept looking at Bakugo wondering if he likes me. He probably doesn't with how he's acting.

"Bakugo truth or dare" said Sero. I looked at him. "Dare" I said with a frown. "I dare you to...uh kiss Kiri on the cheek" said Sero preparing himself for an attack. I held back my blush and looked at Bakugo. He was blushing? Maybe he's just mad or hot. I lean over and kiss his cheek quickly. "Pinky truth or dare" I said making a fake pissed look. They looked at me for a second then at Bakugo. "D- wait not truth" said Mina. "Is it true you knew Kirishima since middle school?" I asked. I looked at Bakugo who looked away. "Uh yeah it's true fam" she said smiling. I could tell Bakugo didn't want to be here.

I then thought of an excuse of both of us. "Losers should be studying. We have a test Wednesday. Come on shitty hair we're studying" I said get up with my best pissed Bakugo face on. I grab Bakugo's arm and drag him away from the squad. "Sorry" I said as I let go. We walked into the elevator. "Don't be. I couldn't stand another second with those extras" he said with a sigh. I looked at him. "So I've been curious..do you like me?" I asked as the doors open. "The fuck..what!? Am going to study" he said blushing. He bolts to my room and I heard the door slam then lock. Huh..was he blushing?

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