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The night was darker today, with clouds grazing over the world, as if they were about to rule over the heat bestowed by the sun in the previous month. It seemed like the weather was going to witness the first rain of the season. Thunder broke again, illuminating sparks in the clouds.

Avanti ended the call and slid her phone back into her jeans pocket. Her gaze shifted to Divit, who was buying the bus ticket for her. She felt a slight sense of relief as Mrs. Mehta had informed her that Namrata was doing better today. Avanti had even briefly video called her mother before she drifted back into unconsciousness due to the heavy medication.

Riddhi was also coming back tomorrow night, and only Avanti knew how she managed the whole day when all she wanted was to be with her mother during this difficult time.

Avanti sighed, her eyes catching sight of Divit again. Her heart tugged at the softest of emotions, and she couldn't explain why she felt so emotional. Seeing him wiping the sweat from his forehead and patiently waiting in line stirred something within her.

Blinking away the tears, she was baffled by her sudden outpouring of emotions. Her mother was getting better, and despite the challenges, life was going well. But what shook her and made her heart flutter was how Divit had become a partner she never knew she would find while walking the path of life.

It surprised her how he had taken a leave from the office without saying a word, without needing to be told anything. He had stood beside her, offering not just his shoulder to cry on but his whole being with his presence. Words were never their thing; their connection was built on their presence. Comforting each other with just a glance of understanding was the foundation of their relationship.

Their bond was still fresh, raw, and new. Sharing everything with each other was still a distant destination since trust was slowly being woven with the threads of time. But the feeling of having someone there for her, trying to fight her battles, was more than new to Avanti. It was exactly what nobody had ever tried to do for her. She was no damsel in distress, but just a human who wanted to be understood and supported when things became too overwhelming.

Divit walked back with his heart sinking inside his chest. He knew he was the most practical person, so why did the thought of Avanti leaving affect him more than necessary? It was just a matter of a few days, but what broke his heart was not knowing how many days exactly. He glanced at her, unaware that she was taking his heart away with her, claiming pieces he didn't even know existed.

"The bus leaves in twenty," He said, sitting beside her and handing her a few packets of chips and a cold drink.

"There was no need," Avanti replied, looking up at him.

Divit blinked, avoiding direct eye contact, and took her bag, placing the packets inside. He couldn't explain the jumble of emotions he was feeling. It wasn't like she was leaving forever, and it wasn't as if they were deeply in love. So why did his attachment to her grow stronger with each passing second?

For some reason, today Divit felt like a coward. He didn't want to address the tension, didn't want to jump the puddle, scared of the stains it might leave. His reverie broke as his phone buzzed, and he saw it was his mother calling. With a sigh, he reluctantly answered the call.

"Maa," he addressed, his voice filled with a mix of weariness and affection.

"How was your day at the office?"

Divit could hear the running tap water and the clattering of utensils in the background, indicating his mother was probably cleaning the dishes."Did you get rid of the house help again?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

"She left so much soap on the plates, and if I said anything, she would act as if I were the problem. I told her—"

"Not again, Maa. Why won't you let at least one stay? You can't keep working this hard forever, especially now when we can afford—" Divit trailed off, suddenly aware of the people around him and lowering his voice.

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