My Everything!!!!

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Dabi's POV- I was so lucky Hawks was just perfect and I just loved him so much I just felt so happy when I'm with him I I know that he's the one I want to run away with him one day then we could get married and just love a free life that sounds perfect "Earth to Dabi are you ok?" Hawks asked "Yes Babe I'm fine I'm just thinking about wanting to spend the rest of my life with you." I said his face got bright red "Awww your blushing Babe that's adorable." I said "It's not adorable." Hawks said embarrassed "Yes it is Babe." I said kissing his cheek "Stop it." Hawks said trying to push me away but I wouldn't let him he was just to adorable that's one Of the things that I loved most about him. I held him super close I never wanted to lose him and I was scared that my boss was going to make a move and make me hurt him and I don't want to that's what my fear was I knew that I was good at keeping our relationship a secret from my boss, but he would find out sooner or later and it wouldn't end well at all, but I wouldn't let him hurt Hawks that's for damn sure! I looked at him he was almost asleep again he looked so peaceful and happy it made me happy to "Rest Babe I'll be here when you wake up." I said he gave me a little smile before falling asleep on my chest I took a pic of him cause it was just to cute and plus he's always cute anyways plus he doesn't have to know about one little picture yet. Hawks was the only good thing In my life right now and I wasn't going to let anyone take that away from me. I was a bit sad since I knew that I would have to leave tonight to go back to base or boss would send someone to find me and I couldn't have him finding about where I go and that I spend time with Hawks he would be super pissed if he ever found out and I won't let him find out it will be me and my Boyfriend's little secret and boss won't ever know. I would protect Hawks with my life he's my everything!

Hawks POV- I woke up a few hours later on Dabi's chest "Feeling better Babe?" Dabi asked "Yes I'm feeling even better now that you're here with me." I said with a smile "Me to Babe." Dabi said then he looked a bit sad "What's wrong?" I asked "I have to leave tonight or Boss will think something is up so I have to go so I have to go back to base Babe." Dabi said sadly "I hate it when you leave, but I understand just be careful." I said "I know Babe I hate leaving to and if I had it my way I'd never leave you again and you know careful isn't my style Babe." Dabi said with a smirk "I know I wish that you could stay longer." I said "Me to Babe I'll spilt away to see you this week ok just stay safe and keep your head ok I don't know if Boss will try anything just keep an eye out." Dabi said "I will and I'm holding you to that Fire Boy." I said " I always keep my word Wing Boy." Dabi said as he sat up holding me then he kissed me for awhile after he stopped I just stared at him I was really worried that something bad was going to happen to him "You look worried again Babe don't worry I'll be fine."Dabi said "You always say that and I still worry I love you so much." I said "I love you so much more Babe." Dabi said as he kissed my nose which made me laugh a bit "I'll always protect you Babe." Dabi said "I know." I said "Do you want to eat lunch with me before you have to go?" I asked "Of course I'll always eat lunch with you Babe." Dabi said "Ok I'll go make lunch you stay right here." I said "I'm not going anywhere Babe." Dabi said I just smiled as I got off of him then I walked into the kitchen and I started making us lunch after I made some grilled cheese sandwiches I called Dabi into the kitchen for lunch once we got done eating lunch he came up from behind me pulling his arms around my waist holding me close to him "You are just perfect Babe." Dabi said my face got all red luckily he didn't notice until he said " It's just so adorable when you bush Babe." "Dork." I said he just laughed a bit and I laughed a little to once we stopped laughing he just stared at me "Like what you see?" I asked jokingly "I love it actually." Dabi said with a smirk as he kissed my neck The he left a love bit there "Now everyone knows your mine Babe." Dabi said kissing my cheek "Did you make it huge again?" I asked "Of course." Dabi said "I hope that no one ask me questions like last time."I said "What was your answer Babe?" Dabi asked "I told them that my lover gave it to me." I said "Good answer Babe." Dabi said I could hear the smile in his voice which made my heart beat fast "Let's go cuddle a bit more before I have to go Babe." Dabi said " I could never say no to your cuddles." I said "That's why I love giving you cuddles Babe." Dabi said As he picked me up carrying me to my room then we cuddled on my bed for a hour before he had to leave right before he jumped out of my window we kissed then he left and I felt a little sad I missed him already I just hope that he will stay safe out there and hopefully his boss and mine won't find out about us or that would be really bad!  

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