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Dabi's POV- I made my way back to our base then I got into my room by my window quietly then I hid my necklace under my shirt so Boss man wouldn't notice then I walked out to the bar area  I got noticed by Boss "Where were you?" He asked me  "Out!"'I said  "You always say that I want to know where you go so tell me now!" He said seriously "It's not any of your damn business!" I said seriously Boss looked at me angrily I knew that I had to tell him something or else he would snap "I was spying on the #2 Hero for you!" I said "What did you find out then?" He asked "He was taking a day off, but he is going to patrol with the son of the #1 Hero Shoto Todoroki on Friday." I said half lying  "Then should make a move on Friday I'll send a few people to capture him well at least you got something." Boss said still not happy with me "I'll do it with Twice I don't want some low levels losers to do it I'll handle it." I said "Just capture him and don't let him get away." He said "He won't get away from me." I said "Leave your giving me a headache." Boss said so I scoffed and left walking back to my room thinking of a way to do this whole plan without hurting Hawks to much I don't want to hurt him! This was bad I'll call him later to explain I hope that he will go along with my plan and I hope that he won't be mad at me, but I had to do it now or Boss would snap and that's never good.  So I just laid on my bed then I called him  "Miss me already?" Hawks said  "Of course Babe, but we have a problem." I said   "What kind of problem?" Hawks asked "I have to kidnap you because Boss was going to have some low levels losers do it, but I said that I would do it so that you wouldn't get hurt." I said  He didn't reply at first "Well this is interesting , but I suppose if I were I was to be getting kidnapped it would be best to be kidnapped by my Boyfriend right?" Hawks asked slightly joking "Yeah so your not mad at me?" I asked  "No I'm not mad at you Dabi." Hawks said  "So where are you going tomorrow on patrol with the kid?" I asked  "The pier." Hawks said  "Ok then I'll see you tomorrow Babe I love you." I said  "I love you to."  Hawks said   "Bye Babe."  I said  "Bye Dabi."  Hawks said then I hung up I just hope that everything would go alright tomorrow I hope that Brat doesn't get in my way though I need to do this mission clean and clear without any trouble so Twice can keep that brat busy well I kidnap Hawks I didn't want to do this, but I didn't give myself a choice I'm doing this to protect him! Then Toga came into my room "What do you want Crazy?" I asked her " You are so mean Dabi, but I know your little secret you are dating that Wing Hero aren't you?" She said   "No!" I lied  "Then why are you wearing a necklace I've ever seen you wear one before it is from your little Boyfriend Dabi?" She asked me  "Go away!" I said seriously she pouted then she left and I was glad because she's so annoying plus I can't have her finding out that she's right about me dating Hawks that would not every good at all she would tell Boss and that would be the worst thing ever! 

Hawks POV- I sat on my bed and thought about tomorrow I know that Dabi wouldn't hurt me I was a little more worried about what his Boss and the other villains would do to me, but I can take it and I'll be ok at least I hope so!  Well this just made my patrol tomorrow with Shoto Todoroki much more dangerous I just hope that he leaves the kid alone and that he just focuses on me cause that's his mission.  I knew that he didn't really want to do this, but I knew that he was doing it to protect me in his own way which was sweet of him he wouldn't do anything stupid with me around I knew that. Still this whole situation was troubling me I don't know why I just had a bad feeling about this whole thing I had a feeling that Dabi's boss wanted to trick him or something which if I was right isn't good for either one of us.  I trained for a few hours before going to out to eat alone I wish that Dabi could be here with me, but he can't which made me a bit sad after I ate I walked back to my apartment before I walked inside I saw that the door was cracked which wasn't a good sign so I got out my feather sword as I quietly walked in my apartment was trashed it looked like someone was looking for something all of a sudden I heard voices "He was suppose to be here if we come back without him Boss is going to be pissed." a voice said  "Well we have to find him then!" the other voice said so they are looking for me I should go if I don't want to get caught I was about to bring out my wings when I felt a gun against the back of my head  "Move and your dead!" a male voice said seriously "Drop the sword bird boy or I'll shoot you." He said so I dropped it on the ground "Bird Boy now that's rude when I'm clearly not a bird nor a boy!" I said seriously  He hit the back of the head with his gun it wasn't hard enough to knock me out though "Keep your mouth shut or I will kill you! He said very seriously "Man that really hurt!!" I thought  all of a sudden I saw two others guy that I heard talking upstairs they both smirked at me as they walked over to me "Well looked who finally showed up we were looking for you Wing Hero now you got to come with us." He said "He isn't  going anywhere with you losers." a voice said then I saw blue flames killing the two guys closet to me then Dabi steeped into my apartment "I can't you alone huh you always get into trouble once I leave now I suggest that you put that gun down and run away before you end up like your little loser friends there." Dabi said seriously the guy got so scared that he dropped the gun on the floor as he ran passed Dabi and out of my apartment then Dabi walked over to me "Are you ok Babe?" Dabi asked  "I'm ok my head hurts a little that guy hit me in the head with his gun, but I'll be fine." I said  "Good I got here just in time no one takes my Baby away from me." Dabi said as he hugged me tightly "Thank you." I said "You never have to thank me Babe it's my job to protect you now come on lets get that head of yours looked at." Dabi said  "Ok." I said so Dabi set me on the kitchen table while he got the first aid kit and a ice pack after he came back he looked at the back of my head "Well?" I asked  "There's a big bump and a little bit of blood so I'll have to warp it up then you should take something for the pain if it hurts more." Dabi said "Yes doctor." I joked Dabi laughed a little as he cleaned my wound out then he wrapped it up then he picked me up carrying me in his arms as he started carrying me upstairs "I know what you are thinking Babe and I'm not letting you walk upstairs with a head injury it's just not safe and I 'm not going to let you hurt yourself I'll take care of you." Dabi said  "When did you become so sweet?" I asked half joking  "Don't expose me Babe I only act like this to you anyways." Dabi said with a smile then I smiled to then Dabi kissed me on the forehead as he walked into my room then he laid on my bed with me keeping me on the chest so that I laying on him "How are you feeling Babe?" Dabi asked  "Ok I guess I'm a little scared it's embarrassing I'm a pro hero I shouldn't feel scared right now, but I do." I said sadly "Babe it's ok to be scared, but I'll always be here to help you when you are scared so you don't have to feel like that you are safe with me Babe." Dabi said  "I know."  I said with a little smile Dabi held me close to him "I feel so safe with you." I said quietly  "I heard that and I'm glad Babe I want you to always feel  safe with me." Dabi said I just blushed a little "You are still adorable Baby." Dabi said as he kissed me on the top of the head .

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