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Dabi's POV- It had already been a few hours and I knew that something wasn't right since Hawks should have been back an hour ago so I went to call him when all of sudden my phone rang it was my Boss so I answered it "What do you want now?" I asked "Get your ass back here we have a situation some other idiots kidnapped the #2 Hero why didn't you stop them weren't you watching him!" My Boss said angrily "I got caught up and I couldn't watch him, but I'll get to go find him and kill those idiots!" I said seriously "You better not screw this time Dabi and you better fix this or trust me I will kill you!" Boss almost yelled "You won't kill me anyways I have to go out and start looking so bye!" I said as I hung up the phone on him I was more worried about Hawks now this clearly wasn't good since he could be with some dangerous people so I would have to find him and fast so that he wouldn't get hurt! I went to the pier first once I got there I saw that Shoto kid standing there looking at the ground so I walked over "What happened?" I asked he looked up at me then he said "Why should I tell you?" He asked me "Because I don't want anything to happen to Hawks." I said "Why do you care about him?" He asked I thought about what I should say, but I think I would have to be honest since the kid wouldn't tell me what happened other wise "You can't tell anyone this, but Hawks is my boyfriend and I love him a lot so I need to know what happened so that I can save him." I said "Oh well we were just walking around to look for trouble when all of sudden these five villains' came out of nowhere so I fought one and Hawks took out the other four with his feathers after that happened there was five more of them then Hawks fought two of them and I fought another one then he got taken down from behind and before I could help him two villain's disappeared with him I tried to follow, but I lost them so those guys weren't with you guys?" Shoto asked "Damn he should have been more careful he gets spent when he does that! Anyways those losers weren't with us they are with someone else, but they will all pay for taking my Hawks!" I said a bit angrily "I want to help." He said "I can handle this kid plus if someone saw us together I would get arrested for kidnapping or something stupid and I can't afford that right now! I said seriously "I'm coming I know what those guys that kidnapped Hawks look like you don't so you need me."Shoto said as much as I hated this idea the kid was right I did him as much as I would hate to admit it "You can come just don't get in my way Kid." I said seriously he got quite after that so we got to looking after a few hours the kid spotted the guys outside a broken down hospital building so I knocked them out after that I killed them before we went inside so after looking around for awhile I heard a muffled scream coming from the next room so I broke the door in and I saw two guys shocking my poor Hawks who was restrained to the bed so I killed both of them after that I freed Hawks who had been knocked out and I held him close "I'm here Baby your safe now everything is ok." I said into his ear then we left the broken down hospital and the kid got us a ride so I took Hawks to the safest place I knew my safe house once I got us there I took Hawks inside laying him down on the bed I took off his coat so I could see his wounds better and what I saw broke my heart he had purple burn marks from a taser on his arms and chest area so fixed him the best that I could I just hope that he wakes up soon I was really worried that he wasn't to going to make it I should have been with him then this wouldn't have happened I'm such an idiot! I just held his hand "You better not leave me Bird Boy." I said with tears in my eyes and for the first time in years I cried after I clammed down I just watched Hawks breathing making sure that he was alright was all that mattered to me anymore he's my everything and I need him to be ok because I can't handle when he's not! After a few hours I saw Hawks open his eyes "I knew that you'd come for me." Hawks said "Of course Bird Boy someone has to save your ass." I said Hawks just smiled he tried to get up to hug me, but it hurt to much so I made him lay back down "Don't sit up yet Babe your pretty hurt." I said "I should have followed you guys then this never would have happened!" I said upset "Don't beat yourself up Love I'll heal up plus it's not your fault anyways I should have seen that coming, but I didn't I feel so stupid!" Hawks said "Your not stupid Babe and it's my job to take care of you remember." I said "Can't argue with that." Hawks said I just kissed him after I stopped I just held him 'I was so scared that I lost you." I said with a shaky voice "I won't scare you like that again Love, but I like you aren't going to lose me I'm not going anywhere Dabi." Hawks said I just looked at him and I said the only thing that came to my mind at that moment "I love you so damn much Hawks." I said "I love you so much to Dabi." Hawks said then we made out a little after we stopped he just put his head in my chest as he fell asleep I made sure that my arm where around him to let him know that he's safe and loved so very much it may sounds soft, but I don't give a shit he's worth it I couldn't sleep though I was scared that Hawks would get taken away from me again! I knew that I had to bring him to Boss, but I couldn't do it right now when he's hurt this bad I'll have to lie to Boss until he gets better I know it wasn't a smart move, but I have to protect Hawks in any way that I can because he's super important to me and I won't let him get hurt anymore right now because my poor Hawks has been through enough today I knew one thing I won't let those loser lay a hand on my Baby again!
Hawks POV- I had a nightmare I was back with those guys and that they were shocking me again so I screamed and I started shaking all of sudden I felt a kiss on my forehead "Babe wake up your safe." Dabi said so I woke up with a start eyes open and heavy breathing and I was sweating then I looked up at Dabi and I clamed down a little "Babe you screamed what's wrong?" Dabi asked "Nightmare." I said "What was the nightmare about Baby do you want to talk about it?" Dabi asked "I was back with those guys and they were shocking me again it was horrible." I said almost in tears because I was so scared "Shhhh Baby It's ok your safe now I won't let any of those losers touch you again I swear no need to be scared I'm here I'll protect you." Dabi said for some reason I don't know if it was my dream, the fear, or the pain I just cried hard Dabi held me close saying sweet things in my ear while rubbing my back I calmed down fully awhile later "Feel better Baby?" Dabi asked "Yes a bit." I said "Good now I'll be right here the whole time so you can go back to sleep if you want or you can stay up and I can make you smile." Dabi said "Can't go back to sleep right now still shaken up a bit, but all into the idea of you making me smile." I said "Well your just to cute to resist Babe I love seeing that smile of yours." Dabi said my face got really red after he said that "My Adorable Wing Boy." Dabi said kissing my check which made me smile a little "Cuddles?" I asked "Anything for my Wing Boy." Dabi said as he gave me cuddles then I smiled really big then I slowly feel asleep and I didn't have any nightmares because of Dabi's cuddles they always made me happy because I feel so loved when I'm that close to him and his cuddles are my favorite he's my favorite person and I love him so very much he's just amazing! I woke up the next morning as I just kissed Dabi on the cheek then he woke up "Feeling any better today Babe?" Dabi asked "Yes I feel a lot better thanks to you and your cuddles." I said "Good I'm glad that you are feeling better Babe." Dabi said as he kissed me once he stopped he sat up pulling me up with him then we sat up cuddling as Dabi kissed me on my shoulders and back it helped me relax a lot "Can I ask you a question Babe?" Dabi asked "You can ask me anything Love." I said he was going to say something when all of a sudden we heard a crash downstairs which wasn't a good sign "We should go check it out." I said "Rest Babe I'll go check it out your still hurt and I don't want you to get hurt more." Dabi said as he let me go before he walked out of the door I said "Be careful." "Can't make any promises, but I'll try my best for you Babe." Dabi said as he smiled a bit then he walked out of the door locking the door behind him I was worried I just hope that Dabi is going to be alright!

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