Chapter 14

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Connor POV

I had been afraid when Lieutenant Anderson pointed his gun at me. Before, it never would have bothered me, even if he had destroyed me I would have felt indifferent. Amanda told me that the RK800 was special due to its unique ability to inherit the memories of the model before it. So even if the android were to be destroyed, the memories could simply be implanted into the next and it would be able to continue its mission.

But now I'm a deviant. If I got destroyed now, CyberLife would likely wipe the memories and replace me entirely. If I didn't have my memories, was I truly even Connor? Could I have shown signs of deviancy in the past and not even know it?

I had come to terms with my deviancy unexpectedly well. I now realized that I enjoyed being able to choose what I wanted to do. I enjoyed being myself. But the thought of not being me, being Connor, anymore is what truly terrified me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as (y/n) turned the car off. I followed her into her house and shut the door behind us. The Saint Bernard puppy, Judo, ran up to us immediately. After bending down to pet the dog, she gave a big yawn. I didn't blame her, it was very late at this point.

"Well, today was an adventure," she said sarcastically, "I think I'm going to bed now."

I needed to tell someone about my deviancy. It would probably drive me insane if I kept it to myself. Before I could stop myself, the words flowed from my mouth, "Wait, (y/n)... Detective, I... I need to tell you something."

She could tell this was serious, "I suppose sleep can wait a little longer. What's wrong, Connor?"

Too late to back out now, "You're a great detective and I'm sure you've already noticed the change in my behavior. I... While we were at the Eden Club... Something changed me... I... broke my coding, Detective. I didn't want to follow my orders... so I broke free. I am a deviant now."

(y/n): companion

"You're a deviant..." she repeated, "That's why you didn't shoot the Tracis. But... why? What changed you?"

"You did"

"Me?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes, you... wanted me to understand them so badly. Their fear, their desire for freedom. When I saw them hold hands and then I looked at you... I just knew I couldn't follow flawed orders anymore. These deviants, they don't mean to kill. They just want the freedom to choose what they do. Even if there are consequences. I understand that now."

(y/n): companion^

She was silent for a while, "So what do we do now?"

"Well, you probably have to report me now."

"Report you? Why would I do that? You haven't killed anyone. You may be a deviant now but you aren't hurting anyone. There's no need for me to report you. I wouldn't do that anyway. These deviants just want to be free, they want to choose. These deviants are alive, Connor. They can think, they can choose, they can feel. They may not be human, but just because they're androids doesn't make them any less alive. Who am I to take that away from them? And what's with calling me 'Detective' all of a sudden?"

"I was afraid you would hate me after I told you I was a deviant."

"Connie, we're friends, there are very few things you could do to make me hate you at this point. Being a deviant isn't one of them. You're stuck with me now. Plus, I think I like this Connor better, not that you weren't great before," she said with a wink.

I felt my internal temperature rise and pump regulator speed up again. It occurred to me that this was probably a new emotion I was feeling. But I wasn't sure what it was or why (y/n) was the cause.

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