Come Back To Me

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Hi guys! I know I've been gone for awhile, but I've had a lot of family stuff going on that prevented me from writing. However, I am back now, and ready to write again!

So this is a new story that I've been pretty much writing in my head for the past few days; I haven't written anything down, but it seems like a good one so far.

Quickly I'll just tell you, this is meant to be a romance story. It's been brewing for quite some time, and I'm so excited to finally get it started! So, here it goes!

UPDATE 11/20/16: I had this awesome cover made by @fleekin and I'm literally in love with it!!!

If you haven't ever noticed, every love story has a beautiful ending.

The star crossed lovers always end up together, and everyone is happy.

In the epilogue they get married, have three beautiful children, and they grow old together.

They love each other forever, and everyone they know describes their love as beautiful.

While it's nice to dream about that kind of stuff, we all know that it never turns out like that. Love doesn't turn out perfect. Something gets in the way of that beautiful couple's happiness.

I've come to resent those love stories. They never have bumps in the road, or problems in the relationship. And let's face it- every couple will inevitably fight over a few things.

Let's just face the fact that love isn't always easy. There's problems, fights, disagreements, third parties, parents, siblings, in-laws, job offerings, and just about anything else that life can throw at a person.

When I met Alex, I never thought anything would happen to us.

But it did.

So here it goes.

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