Now I'm Rooting For The Iceberg!

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*Ambitch's last bit of lies fail her and she's struggling to stay afloat on the her last few bit of rumours*

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*Ambitch's last bit of lies fail her and she's struggling to stay afloat on the her last few bit of rumours*

Ambitch: So... C-c-cold! No spotlight to keep me w-wa-warm! *Shivers* Oh! Oh my God, there's a boat! Hey! Over here! Help! Over here! S.O.S!

*Johnny and I come rowing by in a boat*

Ambitch: Johnny! Help me into the boat!

Johnny: Why?

Ambitch: Because I'm your ex-wive and if you don't I'll end you!

Me: Yeah? You and what army, Barbie girl?

Ambitch: *Grabs the edge of the boat* Johnny! You let me in the boat, right now, you fat, washed up, son of of a--

Me: Whoa there, Princess! First of all, shut the f*uck up! And secondly, Johnny pass me the hammer!

*Johnny smiles and hands me the 🔨*

Me: Now remember when you threw a vodka bottle at Johnny and broke his finger? *Smacks Ambitch's hand off the boat with hammer*

Ambitch: OW! *Hangs on by one hand* I'll never let go! Never!

Me: There you go lying again! You just can't help yourself! You two-faced bitch! *Smacks the other hand off*

Ambitch: AAAA-gulg-glug-glug! *Drowns into the water*

Me: Well, she's fish food now!

Johnny: Why are we on a boat in the Northern Atlantic again?

Me: Cause we were making margaritas and we ran out of ice!


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