Legion of Doom

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Billy: "I brought another friend I hope that's okay."

(Superman entered the cafeteria causing all of the students' jaws to drop including Freddy who let out a gasp)

Billy: "Welcome to Philadelphia Supes!"

Superman: "Glad to be here. I just wanted to fly by and serve some dessert to everyone."

(The two bullies looked at each other, utterly baffled)

Superman: "And I wanted to thank you  for saving the city from Doctor Sivana."

Shazam: "Aw well I didn't do it alone Supes."

Superman: "Speaking of which.." (He tosses Billy a card with a Justice League logo on it)

Superman: "You're welcome to call if you ever need us."

(Billy turned to Freddy with an O face)

(Superman waved to the students and super sped out of the school, all of the kids ran over to the window to watch Superman fly away, Billy and Freddy looked at each other and squealed excitedly)


(That night Bruce Wayne was asleep in his computer chair in the Bat Cave but he was not sleeping comfortably at all)

(He was having a nightmare, the same one he'd had a couple years ago, the world was overrun by Superman who had turned evil, he commanded armies of parademons and soldiers)

(Once again Bruce woke up right when Clark reached his hand into his chest, the most horrific moment of the recurring Nightmare)

(Bruce realized that there was no way he'd be getting any more sleep tonight so he decided to call Barry Allen)

(Barry awoke with a start and sped around his room looking for his phone til he finally found it)

Barry: "You do realize we're not all nocturnal right?"

Bruce: "Sorry Barry but I need to discuss something with you. It's important."

Barry: "Can't this wait till morning?"

Bruce: "No. Get over here."

(Barry sighed then sped all the way to Bruce's lake house within a few moments)

Barry: "Well I'm here. What's so important I needed to get out of bed at 4:30 am?"

Bruce: "The future Barry. I need to tell you something."

(Bruce explained his dream to Barry and his theory on what it meant)

Barry: "No it's crazy. Time travel is completely inconceivable."

Bruce: "I would have said the same thing about super powered aliens a few years ago."

Barry: "Okay sure. The impossible is a lot more possible these days but time travel is a whole next level of improbabilities. The concept alone is completely.."

Bruce: "Then why do I keep having this dream Barry? And you warn me about Clark every time. It can't be a coincidence."

Barry: "Didn't you used to think Supes was a threat but you since learned he's actually a good guy?"

Bruce: "I was wrong about hi.." (Bruce then had a flash of Barry yelling: "You've always been right about him!")

(Suddenly Bruce's phone rang, it was Victor Stone aka Cyborg)

Bruce: "Victor?"

Cyborg: "I've got a lead on Lex Luthor's whereabouts. Sending you the location now."

Justice League: The Future Knightmare Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum