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(After bringing Lois back home and explaining what happened to her, Superman rejoined the rest of the League in the Hall of Justice to discuss Darkseid and the threat he posed)

Superman: "He'll be much tougher than Steppenwolf was. We'll need all hands on deck for this one."

Shazam: "I'll call up my family."

Aquaman: "I can summon the Atlantean army. I'm sure Mera would be up for this too."

Diana: "Perhaps I can reach out to my mother. The Amazons have history with Darkseid. This is their fight as much as ours."

Batman: "I thought the Amazons could never leave the island."

Diana: "Correct. Which is why we take the fight there. A wide open space where no civilians will be harmed."

Batman: "All right. We all know our jobs. Let's head out."

(Diana led them to Themyscira, she signalled them to wait outside the energy field while she spoke with her mother)

Hippolyta: "Diana! I told you it is forbidden for you to return."

Diana: "None of that is important right now mother. Darkseid has returned."

(Hippolyta froze upon hearing that name)

Diana: "We will need all the help we can get. The Amazons must forge an alliance with the Atlantians once again and with my team the Justice League."

Hippolyta: "You brought men here?"

Diana: "Did you not hear anything I said? We need your help. With our forces united we can defeat him.."

Hippolyta: "I'm sorry Diana. We cannot help you."

(Diana looked at her mother with disbelief)

Diana: " was good to see you again mother. I am sure your army will be put to good use sitting around doing nothing while the rest of us fight for our homes and loved you once did."

(Before Hippolyta could respond Diana took off leaving her old home behind for the second time)

(Diana rejoined the League)

Batman: "Well?"

Diana: "She refused to help. I cannot believe her."

Superman: "Maybe she's just afraid of losing any more of her people."

Aquaman: "Well..I guess we're fighting on Atlantis turf then. How good are the rest of you at swimming?"

(Arthur and Mera assembled the Atlantean army under the sea nearby on a small island the rest of the League waited including the Shazam family)

(Ryan Choi who had become the Atom with Nano technology popped in too)

The Atom: "This battle shall be the hottest thing on Earth. Exact words I said to my prom date. She dumped me anyway."

Batman: "I'm sorry. Who are you again?"

(Freddy shook everyone's hands and geeked out)

( Batman turned to Superman)

Batman: "I'm not sure inviting kids was a good idea. They can't take this seriously."

Superman: "They're willing to put their lives on the line to defend the world. The way I see it they're as much heroes as any of us."

Batman: "You're sure Darkseid will show?"

Superman: "Definitely."

Batman: "What makes you so sure?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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