She Was My World

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(Clark continued to be forced to watch what was going on in the Bat Cave knowing that they wouldn't show him this unless something terrible was about to happen)

(Bat Cave)

Lois: "Okay that's enough. I'm not waiting around here any longer. You all should be out searching for Clark."

Bruce: "We will Lois but we can't take any chances. We need to guarantee your safety first.."

Lois: "To hell with my safety! You're wasting time! Barry probably could have found him by now if you weren't keeping him here."

Barry: "It's not untrue."

(Diana sighed) "All right how about Barry, Victor and Arthur head out and begin a search and the rest of us stay here?"

(Bruce let out a deep breath) "Okay fine."

Lois: "Thank you."

Cyborg: "We'll find him Lois. I promise."

Aquaman: "Red heads. You gotta love em!"

Flash: "That..had nothing to do with anything.."

(Aquaman screamed his signature woo!)

(Suddenly the wall exploded near the entrance and in came The Joker, Deathstroke,  Reverse Flash and finally Lex Luthor in an armored battle suit)

Shazam: "Supervillains! Supervillains!"

Batman: "How did you find this place?"

Lex: "You forget Bruce, I know who you are which means I know where the Bat hangs out and of course now all my friends know too."

Joker: "Oh come on Lexy! Don't spoil my fun! I told you I didn't want to know!"

Deathstroke: "Enough of this ! I've got a score to settle."

(The fight continued, Flash fought Reverse Flash, Cyborg and Shazam fought Lex, Batman fought Deathstroke)

(Batman grappled with Deathstroke, they each countered each other's moves)

Deathstroke: "You've fought well, Bat. But this is only going to end one way."

Batman: "You're right." (Batman head butted Slade and beat down on his face before throwing him down a large ledge where Deathstroke landed on the Batmobile hard)

Batman: "And you're not gonna like it."

( Lois had backed away as far as she could get from the fighting when she heard a loud sound behind her, she turned to see a boom tube opening and out of it stepped Darkseid, his massive stature cast a shadow which loomed over Lois)

(Clark was seeing this all on the screen, he cried out and struggled with all his might but he couldn't break free, whatever they did to him was draining his power, he watched helplessly as Darkseid approached Lois)

Lois: "You're the one who took Clark aren't you? Where is he? What have you done with him?"

Darkseid: "Do not worry. I shall take good care of him." (His eyes glowed red)

(Batman heard the sound from behind him he turned just as Darkseid fired his omega beam at Lois)

Batman: "BARRY!!!"

(Batman's voice turned to slow motion as Barry looked over, seeing what was about to happen, he ran past all of the fighting towards Lois to get her away from Darkseid but as he did he noticed a second beam changing course and coming after him, Barry's eyes widened as he attempted to dodge the beam but it followed him wherever he went so Barry ran as hard as he could to reach Lois before the beam could reach her...but it was too late, Reverse Flash tackled Barry and they both got hit by the Omega beam...and the other one hit Lois)

Batman: "NOOO!"

(Lois lay lifeless as Darkseid merely smirked)

Darkseid: "And now the Kryptonian shall do my bidding."

(Batman yelled and leapt at Darkseid who backhanded him with little effort, Darkseid then picked up Lois's body and disappeared through the boomtube)

(The League stared in utter shock at the space Darkseid had occupied just a moment ago, even the villains were surprised)

(Batman slowly stood up, shaking with rage as he turned to face Lex who had been removed from his battle suit by Victor and Billy)

Batman: "You..."

(Batman walked over to Lex and grabbed him and slammed him against the wall)

Diana: "Bruce don't.."

(But Batman was already punching Lex in the face repeatedly, releasing all of his pain, and anger with every hit until Lex was barely breathing, finally Diana pulled Bruce back)

Diana: "This won't change what happened."

(Bruce said nothing as he removed his cowl and stood still with a blank expression)

(Bruce then whispered to himself): "She was his world...and I took her from him."

(Clark was yelling repeatedly, he had seen the whole thing play out and couldn't bear the pain)

(He was released from his restraints as a Boom Tube opened)

(Clark flew through it and entered the Bat Cave and saw her..)

(He collapsed to his knees next to her)

(Darkseid emerged and put a hand on his shoulder)

(Clark trembled as he looked at her lifeless face)

Darkseid: "Let this be a lesson, Kryptonian. This is what happens to those who defy me."

Clark: "I'll kill you."

Darkseid: "Good. Very good. There's that rage. Hold onto that feeling Kal-El. It will serve you well."

(He dragged him back through a boomtube to Apokolips)

( Darkseid then picked up a device and strapped it to Superman's chest which then activated electrocuting him, he screamed in agony as Darkseid spoke the words of the Anti-Life Equation)

Darkseid: " Loneliness, alienation, fear,  despair, self-worth, mockery,  condemnation, misunderstanding,  guilt,  shame,  failure , judgment  where hope and folly and love is a lie, life equals death, and self is dark side."

(Superman suddenly stopped screaming as the device powered down, he raised his head with a dark and empty look on his face)

Darkseid: "Now Superman, you will lead my armies and with them level the Earth. You will enforce my will over the galaxy until all is Darkseid."

(Superman merely nodded with a cold look in his eyes, a look that solidified that Clark Kent was gone..and only Dark Side remained)

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