And You Took Her From Me

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(Over the many months that followed, Superman had taken over the entire world, everyone now feared him and many joined him to be his soldiers, Parademons had overrun the planet, The Justice League had been completely powerless to stop him and had scattered, the only ones remaining were Batman, Flash and Cyborg who had been ripped in half during an earlier confrontation with Superman which they had barely escaped from)

(Superman had completely lost control, he had already killed Lex Luthor and hundreds more who resisted against his regime, Superman once the symbol of hope had turned into a symbol of fear)

(One night at the heavily fortified Wayne Manor Barry Allen felt a tap on his shoulder)

Barry: "Yeah?"

Bruce: "Remember that night I asked you about time travel?"

Barry: "Uh huh."

Bruce: "It's time."

Barry: "For what?"

Bruce: "To send you back."


Cyborg: "Where would we even find the equipment for something like that?"

Bruce: "Lex Corp."

Barry: "But I thought Supes demolished that place?"

Bruce: "He did but I know of a hidden facility on the lower levels that has the most state of the art technology. If anything holds the key to cracking time travel it'll be down there."

Cyborg :" No way Superman doesn't have guards stationed there."

Bruce: "Then we'll just have to be quick about it. Or rather you'll have to." (He looked at Barry)

Barry: "Makes sense."

(In his new armored Flash suit Barry followed Bruce's directions and sped into Lex Corp's underground vault and gathered all the equipment he thought looked useful and brought them back to base)

(Over the next few days the three Heroes worked on what Barry dubbed the Cosmic Treadmill until finally they were able to assemble a functional prototype)

Cyborg: "We're gonna need to run more tests."

Bruce: "There's no time for that. We've got to do this now. Barry good luck." (He shook his hand)

(Bruce turned to leave)

Cyborg: "Wait where are you going?"

Bruce: "I've got to see a guy about some Kryptonite. I'm gonna keep Clark busy while you guys undo all of this."

Barry: "You can't go after him alone! He'll kill you."

Bruce: "I know he will." (Bruce put on his cowl)

Batman: "But I'm not about to go down without a fight."

Cyborg: "Wait which tunnel do we use? One of them might send him further back than we want."

Batman: "Which one would you send him through if you didn't ask?"

Cyborg: "This one." (He gestured to the one on the right)

Batman: "Use the other one."

(With that Batman exited Wayne Manor which is when events that Bruce had been dreaming about finally transpired, he met with a man about the Kryptonite who then betrayed him leading to a confrontation with Superman's forces who then brought Batman to a dungeon where Superman entered and ripped Batman's chest open)

(Wayne Manor)

Cyborg: "All right. You ready?"

Barry: "As ready as I can be."

Cyborg: "You got this man." (Victor offered Barry a fist bump which Barry accepted)

( Barry started to run on the treadmill and began to fade away through the left tunnel)

(Bruce screamed as Superman's arm tore through his chest)

Superman: "Where are they? I know you've been hiding out with a couple of old friends. Don't think I didn't notice that missing Lex Corp tech. That was you wasn't it?"

(Bruce merely grimaced from the extreme agony)

Superman: "What are you up to Bruce?"

Bruce: "...we're..gonna..get you back..Clark...we' everyone...first Lois...then you..then everyone else..."

(Superman yelled in anger as he ripped Bruce's heart from his chest, the remaining life fading from his eyes)

(Superman then listened intently and finally heard a familiar voice)

Superman: "Victor..."

(Superman flew straight through Wayne Manor's walls, Cyborg had just finished sending Barry through time when Superman charged straight for him, Victor shot at Superman with what little functional weaponry he still had within him but it didn't hold Superman back for long, he tackled Victor, pinning him against the wall)

Superman: "What have you been doing here? What did you do?!"

Victor: "You're too late Kent. It's about time for you to snap out of this evil servant routine and get back to the world. The real world."

(Superman looked confused for a moment before rearing his fist back prepared to destroy Victor completely, to finish the job he had started)

(But then..his hand began to fade away, then Victor faded away with a triumphant grin on his face, then everything around Superman evaporated)

Superman: "No. No! BRUCE!!!"

(Barry had traveled back to mere moments before Darkseid entered the Bat Cave, while the League was battling the Legion of Doom including his past self, Barry picked up Lois and carried her as far away as he possibly could)

(Lois suddenly found herself in a rainforest in the middle of nowhere)

Lois: "Wha..?"

Barry: "Sorry not sorry. Saving the timeline. No time to explain. Bye." (He ran back leaving Lois there, he ran back to the Bat Cave just as Darkseid entered and tackled him back into the boom tube which sent them both back to Apokolips, once there Barry ran around everywhere until he found Superman restrained, he quickly threw a lightning bolt at Granny Goodness to give her a taste of her own medicine, then released Superman and ran him back through the still open boom tube back to Earth letting it close on Darkseid before he even realized what happened)

(At last Barry returned to the Bat Cave with Superman and left him there, he then noticed his past self looking at him in slow motion, Barry swore at himself for getting caught but then just gave his past self a cheerful wave before noticing he was dissolving into nothing, he had done it, he had saved the timeline were his last thoughts as he faded away into nothingness, the future timeline now completely erased)

Superman: "What..? How did I get..?"

Lex: "Mm! At a loss for words hmm Clark Joe?"

Shazam: "I got a word for ya." (He gave Lex the finger which shot out electricity which knocked Lex out instantly)

Batman: "Clark you're here. What happened?"

Superman: "I...honestly have no idea."

Flash: "I..think I might have had something to do with it."

Superman: "What makes you say that?"

Flash: "..just a hunch."

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