Till Death Do We Join (Kakashi Hatake)

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A/N: yo~ this is a request from AkatsukiSweetheartMH

                         her OC (Cloud) is paired with Kakashi as a kid :D



   I combed my pale fingers through my short bleach blonde hair and sighed. I was waiting for my older brother, Ray, to come back from his mission.

                       He's suppose to come back today....

   I frowned and looked at the view that was Konoha. I looked down at the happy civilians that walked the streets. I looked at the people eating in the shops, I looked at the kids playing ninja. One thought came to mind:

                     I'm an outcast. 

   It's been what, 2 weeks since I've moved to Konoha? My brother had adjusted quickly, but me? I got picked on, or worse, ignored and put aside. Why, you ask? Because I have the Rinnegan, that's right, they make fun of me because of something I can't control. But that doesn't matter because my brother is always there for me. He'd cheer me up or even beat up the kids that made fun of me. He was the only one I had.

   I sensed a person coming, and I turned around expecting to see my brother. It wasn't, it was an ANBU. I narrowed my eyes. What was an ANBU doing here? This was  my brother's and I's secret place. "Cloud Sazuki?" He ushered my name in question, but it seemed like he already knew the answer.

   I nodded. "Why?"

   "Hokage-sama wishes to speak with you." I furrowed my brow in confusion. The Hokage wants to see me? For what reason? It's not like I'm  the one that causes trouble. I got up anyways and dusted off my black skirt and shirt. Then, I straightened my white tie. I looked towards the ANBU again and nodded. He turned on his heel and started walking. I started to follow. We walked until we stopped at the familiar wooden double doors. The ANBU knocked.

   "Come in." The ANBU nodded towards me and poofed out. I sighed and opened the door. "Ah...Hello Cloud." He breathed out smoke to punctuate his sentence.

   "Hello." He smiled softly at me, it made no difference in my facial expression. I'd learn to be emotionless and cold hearted with people, except with my brother of course.

   "Do you know what you are here for?" I shook my head. He nodded his head looking thoughtful. "Well, I have some bad news for you."

   I gulped and balled up my fists. Bad news? Isn't my life bad enough? I sighed and mentally prepared myself for the 'bad' news. I nodded my head to the Hokage. He nodded back and took a deep breath, sighing as he let it out.

    "It's about your brother." My brother? "You are aware that he was on a mission correct?"

   "Yes." What is he getting at? 

   "Well..." he continued to stall. "He died protecting someone."

   I tensed, I was frozen. I mentally died inside. He was my reason for living, my reason for waking up in the morning everyday. Was he really gone? Just like that? My whole body was over come by this uncontrollable shaking. Anger and despair welled inside me. Why? Why him? Why is this world so cruel to me. It isn't fair. "What exactly happened?" My choked on my voice. I just couldn't talk right. This is to much for me. 

   I looked up at him as he explained. He shuffled through papers finding one in particular. Probably the report on the mission. He put on his reading glasses. The suspense would've killed me even more if I wasn't already dead.

   He cleared his throat, "He was escorting a daimyo, along with another ninja. At the last possible moment, right before they reached the castle, they were ambushed by a group of at least ten chunin and jonin. The both of them apparently were able to demolish almost all their enemies before one was going to strike at a blind spot of the other ninja. Ray, being able to see this, blocked the attack from hitting. He died a hero. He died a noble death. And without him the mission wouldn't have been completed. For his courage and leadership he will be put on the K.I.A. stone. However, I am very sorry for your lost."

   I nodded slowly processing all the information in my head. His death seemed about right, I mean, he was always protective and selfless. He was a truly good person, but that's what makes me miss him more. That name engraved on that stone will only hurt me more. I bit my lip, trying my best to hold back tears. The hokage gave me a sympathetic look, pitying me. That's the last thing I need. I was shaking even more now.

   That was it for me, I didn't want to make a fool of myself even more in front of anybody. I turned and ran away. I heard my name being called but continued to run anyways. At any given moment I think my legs could completely collapse. But nevertheless I still ran, att the way up the hill, to our secret place, were no one could see me.

  *time skip* 

   I put on my standard ninja shoes and walked out of my house, locking the door. I breathed in the cool air. My eyes and nose red, not because of the weather, no, because of my constant crying. It's been a week since the Hokage told me that Ray....died...They've already had a funeral for him. I didn't go. I didn't want  to go. As shady as that sounds...I just didn't want to face all those faces giving me pity. I didn't want to see him dead and in a casket. I didn't want to see it. None of it. It'd only make me feel worse, if it was even possible to feel worse. I sighed, my mood not lighting up as all as I entered the cemetery. I've been visiting everyday. I continued walking until I bumped into someone.

   "Watch it." the person snapped. I looked up to see a guy. He was wearing a mask and his silver hair defied gravity. Even though I could see less than half his face I could tell he was handsome. I was confused. Sure Ray was popular and everybody wanted to hang out with him but I've never really seen this guy around. Plus, he doesn't even seem the type to openly hang out with people and stuff like that. So what was he doing at Ray's tombstone?

   "Who are you?" I narrowed my eyes.

   "Kakashi Hatake. You're that girl right? Cloud Sazuki. Ray's sister."


   He nodded his head and looked down at the slab of stone that had Ray's name on it. I looked down at it too, remembering how he was always there for me. I sighed and looked back at Kakashi. "How'd you know him?"

   "...He saved me..on a mission...." I almost let my jaw drop. It was him?

   "O-Oh..." He nodded and we stood there in silence.

   "I'm sorry...for your loss and all...'' I nodded. Simply because I didn't know what to say. It's not like I could say 'it's fine', or something. I looked up to see Kakashi deep in thought. What he said next shocked me. "Do you want to get something to eat? It's kind of chilly out here."

    "I bit my lip again, containing my smart retorts. He invited me somewhere, sure it might've been beause he felt like he was in debt or something. But I felt like I needed the company, and besides, he seems alright.


well i personally think that sucked, cause kakashi was barely in it. and it just sucked T.T

              Dx i sorry.

and what's with meh sad oneshots lol

                                                     i think i'm in a unconscious depressing mood Dx

                    T.T imma upload this button--what xD?

                                       imma upload this. even though it sucks to me*

soory i don't think i'm cut out for oneshots ;A;

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