The New Guardian (Jack Frost)

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A/N: Jack frost x Oc

curse his hotness lol XD


   I gently flew up, the air flowing beneath me, guiding me upwards. I gently sat down next to the white haired, blue eyed teen on the icy roof. "So how does it feel?"

   He turned his head to look at me. He cracked into one of his devilishly cute smiles. "How does what feel?"

   I jumped up, hitting him lightly in the shoulder, "BEING A GUARDIAN! Being recognized...after all these decades!" He chuckled, looking down at his intertwined fingers, his staff laying next to him.

   "I have to admit, it's actually not all that bad." I broke out into a smile, jumping up and down. Some of the snow and ice we made broke off of the roof and started to slide and shimmy down. Some of my magic sparked from my boots, bonding off the roof and gathering up. "H-Hey be careful, you might----"

   "W-Wooo-wooooahh..." I spread out my arms and legs, skidding across the roof until I reached the edge. My body arched over as I started to fall backwards from the roof. I tried regaining my balance, thrusting myself back up, but of course, being me, my foot slipped under a piece of ice on the roof and I fell off o it completely.

   As I started to fall off I felt a strong ice cold hand grab mine, sending shivers down my spine. The snow white haired boy smirked down at me, "Hey, I tried to warn you, Khione."

   "Right, right, a bit too late there, Jack." He laughed and some snow fell off the roof again, while I was here, pouting and dangling from the roof.

   "Alright, Jack Frost to the rescue!" He laughed brightly whilst heaving me up. The air swirled beneath me giving me an unwanted boost in height and force. I came tumbling forwards, on top of Jack. We fell through the roof and landed on a kid's bed, sadly, waking him up.

*3rd Person's P.O.V.

   Both Khione and Jack blinked, before Khione scrambled getting off him. She sat next to him on the bed, looking at the boy, noticing that his tooth grew back the last time she saw him. Jack was still in a daze until Khione poked him. He looked around before spotting the boy. "Wh-What? Jamie is that you?"

   "Jack?" The brunette's mouth was left hanging open in amazement before he grinned brightly. "JACK! JACK IT'S YOU!!!!!" He bounded over to Jack, while said teen/guardian sat up. Khione chuckled softly as Jack was tackled down again. The boy got up and continued staring at Jack in pure joy and delight. His mouth was open but the ends curled up, in an open smile as he said, "Wow."

   "Hey kiddo. How's it going?"

   "It's awesome! All my friends believe in you guys again! Christmas is coming up too! My mom said we could even bake Santa cookies this year!" He jumped happily on the bed as Jack smiled at him.

   "Wow, isn't Santa lucky?"

   "Oh! Don't worry, I'm going to make you guys all presents..." Jamie went on about what he was going to give to each guardian. A new basket for Easter Bunny, a pillow and pajamas for Sandy, and then a really big sculpture of a tooth for the Tooth Fairy. He said he couldn't tell what he was going to give Jack because that'd ruin the surprise.

   Khione's usual cheery smile faltered and disappeared, a saddened frown in it's place.

*Khione's P.O.V.

                                         To be must be great.

   I sucked up my feelings and let it out in a soft sigh, plastering on a smile. For years, decades...maybe even centuries, Jack and I've always wanted to be recognized, to be believed in, and not long ago...that came true, but only for Jack. Oh, how I wished that I'd have the same opportunity, the same privilege. But the man in the moon thought otherwise, and I accept that. At least that's what I tell myself every night.

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