A Symmetrical from an Asymmetrical (Death the Kid)

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A/N: ocXdtk

                    request from a fan :)

   let's see how this goes O>e...sorry if i get the oc wrong Dx


                                     They never do notice me do they?.....

  I dipped my head downwards and started walking where civilization didn't take it's effect, an untainted and pure river flowed down right in front of the clearing surrounded by trees. Although...the school was right next to it. The clearing I mean...not the river.

    I'm guessing he would like it. Not like how he'd like me. I mean...if he ever noticed me. I'm that quiet shy person in the back of the room that you don't normally talk to and tend to ignore instead. Whenever people hear my name they'd usually pull a face and say, "Namene? Who's that?" If someone..anyone would notice me they'll find out I'm actually quite playful and nice..aside from being extremely clumsy.

                         If someone would give me a chance.....

   I sighed and looked at around, until I decided to just eat a snack by the river. I sat down and took my snack out of one of the many pockets I had in my cargo pants. But I accidentally dropped it.

   I watched in terror as the chocolate dropped into the river in slow motion. Reacting to my food dropping, I stretched out my hand and caught it before it fell and sank down in the water. I hunched over the river, frozen, looking at my reflection.

   My reflection...the very thing that haunts me. I stared back at myself. Two different colored orbs stared back at me. "Two different...colored eyes..." I sat back, not wanting to look at my ugly, asymmetrical reflection. It was only my eyes, the only things that weren't symmetrical were my eyes. That's why I usually have my bangs covering them. But still, I don't get noticed my him. 

                             Well, I guess ignorance better than hatred..... 

   I thought over that. Was that really true? Is ignorance really better than hatred? I sighed and starting to unwrap the chocolate bar rapper. It crinkled under my fingers, the sound of the plastic rubbing again each other filling my ears as I took a bite of the chocolaty goodness. I closed my mouth enjoying the tranquillity around me. 

   After a moment, I opened my eyes and looked around, at the trees. Since I didn't really want to carve any wood I settled for my left arm. I took the split part of the end of the sleeve and rolled it up until it cleared my elbow. I then took out a pen from my other pocket and started to draw.


   Ok, I lied. I found a piece of random drift wood and examined it in my left hand hand, living me to roll up my other sleeve, since it covered my hands, and turn each of my fingers into little scythes. 

                                      What should I sculpt? 

   I thought about it for a few more minutes until I finally thought about it. I smiled a bit to myself and let my bangs cover my eyes as I started to take my scythe fingers to slash and cut at the piece of wood. Shaping and smoothing it. 

   I cut off the bottom so it had just a flat even surface that it could sit upright on. I then started to round off the top of the wood. Then, I made it into a kind of pear-like shape, but on top was a thin rectangle that was attached t it.

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