We're Both Back For You(Oz Vassalius)

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A/N: ello this one's for my bestest in RL kitkat29 :T 

                  well, it's her OC x Oz Vassalius.

                                                         i.e.  pandora hearts

she wants this to be happy(have a happy ending pfft.) so i apologize if it's crappy because i'm in a rather depressed mood. i mean the tears are just FLOWING out of my eyes, i'm in my own era of the great depression. -w- i've been crying for like 2 hours. TT~TT 

                             ^that paragraph was written a while ago. i've been procrastinating but i'm in a normal/sad mood right now so...lets see how this goes O.o....

             i think requests are closed Dx sorry

                      this one shot to me seemed sucky T.T


   "We're going there?" My chain looked at the sky in disgust. She was laying on her back, looking up at the sunset. 



   "'Cause...he's back."

   "You mean that cute blonde guy?"

   I gave her a deadpan stare, "The cute blonde guy has a name."

   "Oh, so you do think he's cute." she smirked, still not looking at me.

   I sighed, I wasn't going to win this, she's too good at being annoying. "Just make the portal."

   "Portals, portals, portals. You make it seem like tht's the only thing I'm good for these days."

   "Hey, I've been trying to control my erge to kill people." My eyes widened as I spoke.

   "Sure, sure." She rolled over on her stomach and reached her hand over the pond she laid next to. It rippled without her touch, the ripples continued until it enlarged and swirled around, making a whirlpool. She pushed herself off the ground effortlessly and walked in the portal. I followed after her and instantly my body turned and twisted about as the whirlpool churned and churned. My stomach did flips and cartwheels, you'd think it was training for the Olympics or something.

   After what seemed to not even be fifteen seconds, I made contact with land. "YES!!!! LAND, HOW I LOVE YOU SO!!!!!!"

   "Pfft. Nice one Yuki." I raised my head up to look up at Thao, my chain, because currently, I was hugging the land, or, the tiled floor. Thao sighed and sat next to someone on the couch. A very familiar someone.

   "O-Oz? Uh..h-hi there..."


   "Aye~ Yuki it's that cute blonde guy you----" I jumped up so fast to slam my hand on her mouth I ended up slipping and tackling her to the ground. Oh wells, whatever works. She's probably gonna kill me now though. I looked up to see Oz again, but he was blushing madly. 

   "U-Uh..." With the blush still there he helped us both up. He helped up Thao first, then me, although when he pulled me back up he didn't let go of my hand. And soon I found myself staring at his mesmerizing emerald eyes as I felt the warmth of his hand covering mines. But then in a second it was gone. Actually, I don't even feel my hand anymore.....

   I looked down as my eyes widened. I could tell Oz did the same because I heard his gasp and confused voice, "W-What??! MY HAND!!!!! MY HAND DISAPPEARED!!!!!!" He waved around his hand less arm running in circles around Thao as she sat down calmly. But I knew better, she was laughing her ass off on the inside. She was just really good at showing no emotions most of the time. 

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