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~Bakugo POV~

Damn it Deku your scent is all over the fucking place. I was trying not to release my own scent but it was harder than I thought to hold it back. I could hardly smell Icyhot in this room and he is my soulmate. What the fuck is wrong with this room.

I started putting the pieces together that I had of my omega. They have green hair and are in heat. Shit Deku can't be my damn soulmate. I look over at Icyhot who looks back at me. Deku fell asleep on the bed and we get up to leave. As I got up I heard a small whimper from Deku.

Damn it Deku why do you want us to be here so fucking bad. "Why the hell didn't you tell me Icyhot." I whisper yelled at Icyhot. I knew he had already put it all together and wanted me to figure it out for myself.

"It was fun watching you put all the pieces together and I didn't want to spoil it for you." He said which annoyed the shit out of me.

"Listen Icyhot I'm your alpha so you have to listen to what I say. Got that?" I said as I started walking towards the door.

"Aren't we going to stay with Midoriya incase he needs us?" Icyhot asked as he followed me out.

"No. Shitty Deku can stay there alone. If he needs us we will know anyway." I said as I walked into my own room and locked the door. Why can I still smell the nerd here. He's two floors below me and I can still smell his fucking scent. Why do I want to be with the shitty nerd anyway.

I went and laid on my bed and fell asleep. The next time when I woke up it was to a pain in my thigh. Shitty Deku of course he's in a wave now. I have to deal with all that shit later anyway. I mean I'm his alpha so I might as well get used to having to deal with all his shit too.

I get changed and start heading down to Deku's dorm. When I was right outside of his room I got overwhelmed by his scent. I open the door and his scent was everywhere. Icyhot was already here rubbing Deku's stomach gently. "What the fuck Icyhot. Why are you here stupid Icyhot?" I yelled as I released anger pheromones. I heard Deku whimper slightly at me yelling and I looked over at him.

"Calm down Bakugo he's my mate too." Icyhot said as he got up and walked over to me. Deku's watching us with pleading eyes wanting us to come over by him. He smiled at me before curling himself up into a ball and starts shaking. Icyhot looks over at Deku and walks back over to him and tries to confront him.  Shit why is this stupid nerd in fucking heat.

As we sat by Deku he buried his face in the crook of my neck. I put my face in his hair and inhaled his scent while Icyhot buried his face in the crook of Deku's neck. Deku's scent was sweeter than all the others.

After about 30 minute Icyhot and I leave Deku so he can get dressed for the day. Five minutes later Deku walked out and I couldn't smell him as easily as I could before. I guess he took his suppressants to cover his scent for the rest of the day. We walked to school together and everyone was staring at us as we walked. "So Bakubro you finally accept Todoroki as your mate?" Kirishima asked as we walked by.

"Fuck off Shitty hair it's none of your buisness." I said as we kept walking by.

"You don't have to be so mean Kacchan." Deku said as he looked at me smiling.

I looked down at Deku and he seemed to back off a little at my gaze."Whatever." I said looking up again and walking faster to avoid running into everyone else.

Deku also walked faster to match my pace but falls behind a little. Just then Icyhot shows up and walks on the other side of me, which only makes more people stare. I glare at all of them, and most look away.

As we walk into the classroom Icyhot sits down, he seemed a little dazed for

whatever reason. I couldn't really care less. I had other things to worry about, like stupid Deku being our mate. I looked over at Deku and saw him smiling back at me. I could already smell his pheromones get stronger and sweeter. He must be struggling against the heat. I stare at him and frown, he shouldn't have come today and he knows it.

During the class period I could smell both Icyhot and Deku's pheromones get so strong I couldn't smell anything else. Great. Now they're both in heat. I heard Deku start panting quietly and I looked back and saw him sweating and shaking. The teacher didn't seem to notice and neither did the other classmates. so I turned my head over to Icyhot and saw him trying to hold back his own heat.

The bell rang and the teacher left the room. I heard Deku take a huge sigh of relief and I walked up to him grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the classroom. Icyhot stood up and walked out with us. Leaving our classmates speechless.

"Why did you come today Deku." I said with intimidation and a bit of concern in my voice. "You too Icyhot."

Neither of them said anything at first and just stared at Me until Icyhot opened his mouth to talk.

"I didn't want to fall behind in class..." he said quietly. "And I wanted to make sure Midoriya would be alright." he said as we started walking back to the dorms. At this rate I could go into rut and then we would run into a real problem. 

~Your Author~

So I was bored while I was writing this and I want a little advice on what should happen next in the story. I apoligize but my writing skills are terrible so please comment any ideas you have for this story. Hope to see you all in the next chapter.

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