Chapter 9: Bow and Arrow

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Jordan's POV

I cant fucking believe Will is here. In Seattle. With me. And he did all for me. ME! Just to see me. And he kissed me. Oh man, i wish that could have lasted longer. I should take him to my apartment

All these things are going through my head while me and Will are talking at the table until he says something quite interesting.

"Have......have you with anyone before." Will asks nervously.

Aw, Will is too cute when he is nervous.

"Yes, I have before and feankly I regret it." I say.

"Why?" Will asks.

"It was with my 'girlfriend'." I say making air quotes.

"Oh, I see." Will says.

"Will, are you still a virgin?" I ask seriously.

"Maybe." Will says shyly and quietly.

"It's ok Will. I am not going to judge you. Being a virgin isnt a big deal. It just shows that you would wait for the perfect person. The one who you can trust, be serious with and still crack jokes all the time. And of course get along with." I say smiling towards Will.

"Well, I think I may have found that person." Will says smiling back at me while looking me in the eyes.

"Will, I feel the same way. But it's only your first real day here. We should hang out and tell the boys that you are here." I say not wanting to rush him into anything.

"Yeah, I agree." Will says.

"How long are you in Seattle anyway?" I ask.

"Until I want to leave. I didnt book a flight back to the UK yet. I want to spend time with you." Will says.

"Then I have a proposition for you." I say.

"What is it?" Will asks.

"How would you like if I told you that I found a nice big apartment in LA for us to live in." I say smiling.

"Um.......I would probably love you forever." Will says in a girly voice.

"Well.......I did." I say.

"Oh my god. Are you serious?" Will says.

"100% serious Will. It doesnt even cost much at all." I say.

"I would love to Jordan, I honestly would. But you know what my parents are like." Will says.

"What if I said I already got your parents permission." I say.

"I would probably kiss you." Will says.

I just look Will in the eyes and smile.

He instantly gets up and walks to my side of the table and kisses me right then and there.

"You are honestly the best ever." Will says smiling.

"Haha. I know." I say blushing a little.

"Well, I have something for you." Will says grabbing his backpack and taking out a small navy blue box.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Here." Will says handing me the little box.

I take it and open the box. Inside, I find a Minecraft bow charm necklace.

I look up at Will and smile.

He is holding a Minecraft arrow charm necklace.

"I found these in the airport gift shop before I left the UK. I figured that you would like them." Will says.

"I love it Will. Help me put it on." I say.

I know I can fit it around my head but it makes it more romantic and Will didnt seem to mind.

He takes the bow necklace and puts it around my neck.

I then take the arrow necklace and put it around his neck.

"The bow represents you and the arrow represents me. The bow and arrow represents us. They are inseperatable just like us. You cant have one without the other." Will says.

"Thank you Will. Wanna head to my apartment?" I ask.

"You're welcome and sure." Will says.

We grab our stuff and pay for the food.

We walk out of the restaurant and Will takes my hand in his.

I smile up to him and he smiles back giving my hand a little squeeze.

We walk back to my apartment like this.

This, this was truly one of the best days of my life.

{Author's Note}
What have I done?!?!

Lol, well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.


This FF will be graphic in up coming chapters.

You have been warned.

If you do not like smut, dont read certain chapters that are coming in the future.

You have been warned.

Thanks for the support.

I am starting a new FF soon that's called Hold Me Close.

If you are from my IG, you know what it is.

But if you are not, try and guess what this FF will be about.

But yeah, it's late and I have to go to bed.

It's Halloween tomorrow and me and my friend is being #DevonDoesTomahawk zombies for Halloween.

Good Night MC's!!

Happy Nightmares!!

Love y'all!


His Accent: A Kiani FF {NO LONGER UPDATING}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora