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Back in the happy year of 1925, I was born. I was never supposed to exist, no one knew how I came to be. 

A bit of backstory, I'm a hybrid. Born of a human mother and a vampire father, no one knew how I came to be, not my adoptive grandparents or my stepfather of the Volturi. After my mother was turned, she ran from my father. And boy did she run to someone completely different from her. Her true mate, his name is Aro. A leader of the oldest vampires in the world. 

After she left, my father handed me over to the Cullens, Carlisle and Esme became my family. Esme adored having me around, I had filled the void left from her son dying. Carlisle loved watching me grow, fascinated by how fast it happened. I was nearly fully grown when father came back to the family. After he came home, two years later Carlisle brought home a woman, intending for her to be father's mate. Rosalie did become a mother figure to me, but no one could beat Esme for that title. Then Emmett joined our family, he was a brother that refused to give up his kid side, which was fine by me. 

Nearly twenty years later, three new vampires joined us, two being mates. The third, was beautiful, his hair a light honey color yet his eyes were bright red. His name was Jasper, and we were immediately drawn to one another. He was my fiercest protector, the one who threw my father through a tree for yelling at me once. Thus, the romance bloomed, the mate bond was more than we could take. 

Now, we bring you to today, my father seemingly fell in love with a human, you would think after my mother he would learn his lesson. Nope. As my husband said when he called to ask for me to come home from Denali, a newborn vampire army was coming, and it was not going to be pretty. 

So I came home, and as I sat in the tree waiting for my time to shine, I smiled as I looked at my husband, those arms are going to be the death of me one of these days. I smirked as I heard the que, it's time to be the showoff he taught me to be. 

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