1.12 Sister Traitor Sister Truel

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I woke up first, my head confortable on her bare chest. Aside the embarrassment, I must admit it gotta be very cosy because I had one of the best sleep that night. As I slowly pulled myself away to not wake her up, I was surprised getting on her back didn't woke her up.. unless it did.. and she let me..? Nah, better not to think about such things.

I put back my clothes that dried during the night and went by the window to check outside if any Death Eater was around. The street was empty of any life, at 9 o'clock. Something was strange, so I chose to wake Bellatrix up anyway. Unfortunately for me she wasn't a morning person as the moment I gently shook her elbow she pressed her wand under my chin.

"Sorry to wake you up, it's just I think there's a problem outside"

"What ?"

"Well it's nine in the morning and there's literally nobody"

She lowered her wand and sat up with a small grunt.

"They're making sure that if you make any move you'll be immediately spotted"

"Me ? Alone ?"

"No us, but they don't know that"

"You got a plan ?"

She nodded, "You will be the sheep and I will hunt the wolves"

"Hmmm, I really appreciate you helping me escape but.."

*tut tut tut* "Don't start thinking too highly of yourself puppy. I'm not helping you escape anything, I'm only keeping you for myself. If you think that I'm sending you back to your friends you're going to be very disappointed my dear."

I walked backwards.

"And if you're not pleased with that, feel free to return to the Manor. I'm sure the others would be thrilled to take their turn at you"

What did she meant by that, I'd rather not know to be honest. Anyway I guess this is what happen when you start believing in your own absurd fantasies, every bit of human warmth from last night was all vanished now. She put her dress back on and checked the window.

"Let's go. Oh and puppy don't be sad, you and I are going to have a lot of fun together."

I remained impassive to show her that I wasn't okay with how the situation turned out.

There was nobody downstairs either. Bellatrix went ahead in the street to spot any potential ambush but nothing on the horizon as she made a sign to rejoin her.

"Alright you see this path that goes into the forest ? You're going to follow it, at the end there's an abandoned barn, it should be far enough to safely apparate from there."

"That's the part where you hunt the wolves I guess"

"Smart girl. Don't run, don't stop, don't deviate from the track. Be the most exposed possible and trust me."

"Easy to say.."

*tchh* "Don't abuse the pouting puppy. Now get going."

This plan was full shit. It was complete dark under the trees, if anyone threw a spell at me I'd be long dead before having the time to react. But I kept walking, from time to time I heard noises further in the woods and I only hoped it was Bellatrix. It's been five minutes when I heard something 20 to 30 meters on my left, I froze of fear. Then an hushed scream came from the same direction and back to silence. I prayed it was Bellatrix eliminating her companions and started walking again. It kept on going like that for ten good minutes.

Arrived at the barn, she was waiting for me in front of it.

"Not too frightened ?" she said with a smirk.

I didn't bother answering. She took me inside.

"Alright stay here few minutes, I'm going to do a last check"

But the moment she turned around..

"And you're the one who dared call me a traitor.." spat Snape in a dark corner.

Bellatrix instantly rose her wand at him by reflex.

"How did you knew we'd be here ?"

"That's what I would have done in your situation."

"Severus Snape, always too smart for his own good"

"Bellatrix, his expression suddenly turned extremely serious, give me the girl and I promise you I will keep this between us. You can go back to his Grace, earn back his trust and do like none of this ever happened."

"Why do you want her so much ? You want his appreciation for you alone don't you ? You always been jealous of me !"

"Bellatrix.. I won't ask a third time.", he drew his wand.

"It'd be stupid of you, you know I'm better than you."

She pulled me away behind her and started to cast a spell at him when a powerful blast coming from the entrance blew her into a barricade. Narcissa Malfoy was standing there, she rushed at me, grabbed me and put her wand on my neck.

"Sorry Severus but I'm the one who's going to bring back the Mudblood to the Dark Lord, my family has paid enough already."

She draged me to her unconscious sister and pulled back her left sleeve ready to press her Dark Mark and call everyone to our location. Snape finally came back to his senses and screamed "Don't !". Narcissa stopped millimeters away from the catastrophe.

"Why ? What's going on ?", she asked him.

"The fuck Cissy ?!!", Bellatrix woke up.

Narcissa walked back from her sister still holding me, "Sorry sis, I don't have the choice. Family first."

"I am your fucking family idiot !"

"Alright ladies, let's all calm down.", interrupted Snape.

"You, you shut the fuck up, cut him off Bellatrix, Now Cissy, don't be stupid and give me the girl."

She shook her head against it.

"Cissyyy !", insisted Bellatrix slowly pointing her wand towards her sister.

The last thing I could remember before passing out was an explosion of pure light.

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