2.2 Terms And Conditions

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It's been a week. I ate every last thing I could find in the house, I'm starving. Bella left three days ago without coming back since. I'm all alone, well not exactly. Walking around the house, I found Kreacher lurking in one of the bedrooms. I've been desperately trying to caught him since, unfortunately without success.

But I was now ten feet away from the slightly opened door of the bedroom the usual noise was coming from. My stomach was raging of being empty, the old floor was cracking under each of my careful steps. I expected him to have already spotted me but nothing so far. Three feet, it was now or never. I jumped through the opening of the door and quickly closed it behind me so he wouldn't escape between my legs again. The room was a complete mess, everything lying on the ground, but no sign of the elf. I called him out but he stayed hidden somewhere. He wanted me to go away from the door to escape, but I wouldn't give him this pleasure.

"I'm not leaving before I get my answers"

"This house belongs to the Black, only pure bloods have the right to speak inside"

"Who do you serve ?"

I had my suspicions on how this all thing at the Ministry happened in the first place and he was my primary suspect.

"I serve the House of Black"

"Did you betray your master ?"

"I never betrayed the Black family"

I just hit a soft spot, I knew I was digging in the right direction.

"Did you betray Sirius Black ?"

"The mudblood doesn't have the right to ask questions to Kreattur"

"Are you involved in your master's death at any level ?"

He jumped right at my gut but I was quick enough to catch him mid-air.

"Are you involved in your master's death ?", I asked him a second time holding him by the collar.

"The blood traitor only got what he deserved, now Kreacher serves a true Black"

"Do you know where she is ?"

"The master will soon get rid of you mudblood"

He bit my hand forcing me to drop him allowing him to run away. Then I heard noises in the entrance, I ran downstairs hoping to see her but it was only Snape.

"You look terrible Granger.. and I said no killing each other", pointing at my bleeding hand

"I'm starving"

"Isn't there an house-elf around here ?"

"That's where the hand bite comes from"

He sneered for a second, "Where is she ?"

"You tell me, she left three days ago.."

"Where did she go ?"

"No idea"

He clapped his hands and Kreacher immediately apparated .

"What can I do for you Sir ?"

"You're obeying to him but not to me ?!", but I got completely ignored.

"Where's Bellatrix ?"

"She specifically told me to tell you that your deal doesn't change anything and you can shove it up your ass if you're not pleased with it"

I burst into laughter while his drew his wand at him but Kreacher already disapparated.

"Too bad for her.. Granger stop making yourself even more ridicule and come with me"

We sat in the kitchen and he took a piece of paper out of his dress.

"This are the specific terms and conditions of the deal between Bellatrix, you and Dumbledore"


"Albus Dumbledore possess the authority to add, suppress and modify any terms of this contract at any given time for any given reasons. Harry Potter and the Order allows and order both Bellatrix Black and Hermione Granger to remain and live at 12 Square Grimmaurd."

"Why Harry ?"

"Black's will so Potter's technically the new owner. But don't interrupt me again. Anyway.. Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape themselves will be allowed to inspect the house at any given time under any circumstances. Hermione Granger will spend her school year at Hogwarts like any other students. Any mention to anybody else of this contract or her affiliation with Bellatrix Black will be considered a breach of contract. Concerning Bellatrix Black, any retention of critical information, any form of lies, any purposefully given information leading to the harm of a member of the Order or the Ministry will be considered a breach of contract. Any form of contact with followers of the Dark Lord will be considered a breach of contract. If Hermione Granger happened to die for any reason, it would be considered a breach of contract. And finally, a breach of contract would result in the hunt and capture alive or dead of both Bellatrix Black and Hermione Granger. Also to state the obvious, you don't have any other choice but to agree to this terms"

"Then I agree, I guess"

"Make sure she signs it as well. I'll be back again in a week to officialize the deal. And another thing.. in absence of their true master or specific orders, house-elves are free to do whatever they want so if you ever wanna be fed, I suggest you remind him his actual status"

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