2.6 Slap On The Wrist

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"You asked to see me Director ?"

"Indeed. I believe it is a long time coming you and I have a conversation about your recent behavior"

"Sir if it's about what happened at the feast.."

"I was referencing to last year and your encounter with Miss Black. You disobeyed my directives, not only put yourself in danger but also the one of your friends and finally put our fight against Voldemort in jeopardy. By being captured you nearly compromised Severus which only could have been reverted by giving away much sensible information to our enemies so he would gain back their trust. Furthermore my intervention to save your life during your escape attempt only made the Dark Lord take even more radical methods to achieve his goals. And this is only the beginning."

"Put that way, it sure does look pretty bad"

"Do you have any idea of the extent of the consequences of your recklessness ? I surely hoped that you Miss Granger out of the three of you would have been the one with the cleverness to see the big picture and not take foolish decisions."

"And I would have done so Sir if things didn't went completely way out of control. The part were I get captured is fully on me I agree but everything that happened after, with all due respect, I didn't ask for any of it. How was I supposed to know that Severus was working for you as a triple agent or that Bella, hum Bellatrix, would fall for some kind of reversed Stockholm Syndrome"

"Do you trust her ?"

"As much as you can trust a murdering psychopath who calls you puppy while threatening to end your miserable existence 30 billion times a day"

"Does she trust you ?"

"Sir ?"

"I will be busy this year with Harry and Severus will not only gonna have to take care of some of my responsibilities but also keep doing his work with the Death Eaters. So I need somebody to keep an unbiased eye over Miss Black"

"You mean spy on her and keep her in check if necessary"

"Your words"

"I'm confident that she does't need any chaperone"

"Why so ?"

"She's stuck with only two options, death and Azkaban, and last time I mentioned the second well.. let's just say I've never seen somebody freak out like that"

"Interesting.. maybe there's hope for her after all. Make sure then she doesn't go back to her old demons, it's likely you're her only shot of having a future. Wich brings me to why I actually called you here. With your involvement with the Death Eaters, you made yourself another access point to Harry for the Dark Lord. Which is why I charged Severus to teach you the basics of Occlumency. If you're relationship with Miss Black would show itself useful, I will have plans for you Miss Granger. I sure hope what you have in mind won't fail, for your and their sake.

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