An Odd Breach

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"They still haven't caught 682 yet..." Zero pauses and turns around. "682? Who's that?" Zero asked. "682 is a giant indestructible lizard with a very... Interesting vocabulary.." 049 answered. Zero gave a interested 'hmm' in response to that while still shuffling through papers. "Hey you find anything yet~?"

"106 you're such an asshole!" Zero yelled mean while 106 is busy laughing his ass off "wow

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"106 you're such an asshole!" Zero yelled mean while 106 is busy laughing his ass off "wow... I can't believe... you actually got scared... by that!" 106 said in between laughs. "You act like I'm the only one who would be scared by that!" Zero whines, clearly annoyed by 106's little stunt "I will admit that did make me jump a little bit.." 049 added to that comment. "Oh yeah? You're just trying to help her feel better..." 106 teased. Zero huffed, grabbing the little amount of papers she found and walking away. "Hm? What's her problem?" 106 said. "Maybe it's the fact that you scared her to death and laughed at her for it..." 049 added. "Well she needs to lighten up a bit" 106 said before he phased back into the wall where he came from. 049 walked off planning to go and find zero.

"Ugh! I can't believe he did that!" Zero yelled in annoyance. "Whatever! He can go off and do whatever the hell he wants while I'm actually doing something productive!" Zero kept walking off until she found another door but right before she opened it, it sounded like something was being slammed into the door over and over again. "Okay either someone is being murdered or f-" Before zero could finish that sentence the door opened to another D-class except this one was wearing a theatre like mask that was leaking a black substance. "Okay now who the hell are you!?" Zero exclaimed. "I'm SCP 035.. now... who you are sweetheart?~" 035 used a finger to lift up zero's chin. "Hah hah... Very funny..." Zero brushed his hand away. "Your flirting attempts are weak.." Zero kept walking along the hallway. "Wow... You didn't even try to act impressed? Think you could do any better?" 035 asked. "My flirting skills are below hell it's self... The only time they ever worked is when they were so bad that someone dated me out of pity.. And they already had a girlfriend!" Replied zero. "Wow that is bad... At least your boosting my confidence.." 035 said. "Hah! As if! I could smell your ego from a mile away!" Zero laughed. "Fair enough.." Responded 035. "Ah... Zero there you are... Wait a moment.. Who is this?" 049 walked faster to catch up with zero and 035. "Hm? Oh hey doc! This is 035! I assumed you knew him since well you both are in the same facility.." Zero replied "ah well... I do know him but from behind he looked like another D-class.." 049 responded. All three of them kept walking when they all stopped in their tracks as a distant roar and heavy stomping could be heard.

...It was getting closer...

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