A new start

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Zero stepped back and admired the collage of papers they've gathered from the facility, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Finally, well... Somewhat done." She exclaimed, looking around at her cell glancing at the many papers hanging from the ceiling of the room. The many stolen documents of the other SCP's hung from red string, granted, most of them were taken back by the MTF since they are more important than others.

Some of the papers were just copies they gave back to zero with way more redacted info, she ended up throwing most of those away since they barely served any purpose on her quest to find out the many secrets hidden within the facility although, it was very hard since most of her "interrogations" Ended up in either the victim dying or her getting shot.

Zero sighed heavily, running a hand through her makeshift hair. "Dammit, why must this be so hard.. Having this inky excuse for hair constantly growing... At least it looks like hair." She looked up at the window they used for monitoring her. "Tsk, as if cameras weren't enough.." She huffed.

She always hated the fact that they just HAD to capture her and put her in this hell hole. 'At least one person makes this shitty situation less.. Well.. Shitty.' She thought to herself. She floated up to the window near the top of her cell and peered through it looking for her "friend", can she even call him that at this point? Not to say they don't like each other, no, quite the opposite in fact. They like each other very much to where most of the time one relies on the other to make there life less boring since one was just your average human and the other was a demon who belongs in purgatory.

A tapping woke Zero from her thoughts, she looked at where the tapping came from and it was William trying to get her attention and Zero grinned widely. "Hi William!" She said enthusiastically as William waved back with a smile.

Zero somewhat mimicked his smile, she always liked staring at William, she found him very interesting even if she was human at some point she lost most of her memories so she has a habit of people watching. "How are you today subject 339?" Zero huffed in annoyance as William chuckled, he knew very well that zero hated being called by the name the facility gave her, it reminded her of the fact she's stuck in this damned facility. "Oh haha very funny.." Zero replied.

"Anyway what's on the agenda for today?" William thought about it for a moment. "Hm, well not that I know of.. Although there might be a testing today. " Zero usually likes tests. Either she gets to see another scp or she gets to try out some powers she hasn't before but today she really wasn't feeling it. "Oh that's.. Cool." She replied. Zero slumped back down to the floor 'hmm.. What to do what to do' Zero thought for a while after all, there's not much to do when you're stuck in a cell for most of the day. Zero's head perked up when she heard the screech of the intercom and the sound of the door opening.

She glanced up at the door to see two D-Class, a male and a female. Zero heard of where these people came from, at first she thought they were just random people they picked up off the streets but nope, they're actually prisoners. She stood up just as the intercom spoke "Attention all D-Class personnel, please enter the containment chamber." The two of them listened and as usual, reluctantly moved forward.

'Huh, I guess we can agree on something, neither of us want to be here.' As the door closed, zero walked towards the two D-Class'. Expecting for them to back up against the door, to her surprise, they didn't. 'They must be very brave.' She thought despite one of them being shaken. The two D-Class interlocked hands, 'friends? Lovers? Related?' Zero was confused as to why two strangers would be so attached to eachother or at least hold hands. "You know, it's not smart to get to attached in a place like this." Zero spoke up. The both of them looked confused as to why zero can talk the again zero wouldn't blame them.

"W-what?" The woman uttered. "I said either one of you will die or neither of you will survive. If you get attached, you will have your heart broken." Zero stated, staring the woman right in the the eye. "You're... You're wrong! How would you know!? You're just like all the other freaks in this place! You know nothing about love!!" The man spat. Zero felt slightly hurt but her expression didn't change. Zero glanced up at the window to see William looking back at her, she looked back at the two people standing in front of her. She doesn't see them as human anymore though, she see's them as all the other D-Class that crossed her path, judgmental and insignificant.

"Alright then." She started. "I tried to warn you but hey, what would I know? I'm just a freak after all. But at least I didn't start my relationship in a prison." The man snarled at zero and the woman also gave zero a dirty look. 'Should I even kill them at this point?" Zero thought to herself, yes they annoyed her but they're just dumb, dumb and in love. She almost empathized with them after all she was one of them at some point.

"Okay, whatever, don't listen to the demon then." As soon as zero began walking away the test was over. After they left zero stared up at one of the cameras. "The fuck was that??" She mouthed to the camera. Zero sighed heavily and leaned up against the wall. honestly zero missed when she could just drown out everything with music although, that was the same distraction that killed her so, she could do without it.

Zero looked up at the window to see William looking down at her, she smiled and waved and so did he. Zero looked up at the ceiling. 'Hopefully I won't have to do too much today's zero thought to herself as she slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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