The spark

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(This chapter gets a little..
Emotional? I guess... Idk but it's sappy)
"Why would anyone get an app like that? About peeling fruit no less just cause it's 'satisfying' I mean sure, it's better than just buying a bunch of fruit and peeling it but still!" Zero exclaimed sitting on the arm of the chair William was sitting in. "Haha... Yeah but nowadays people will play any app just because they're bored..." William replied skipping the add on his screen. "Hey are you even allowed to have your phone in this place?" Zero asked cocking their head. "Oh definitely not, I'm just lucky the person checking my pockets was particularly lazy today so they didn't bother with the back ones." William replied not knowing that the comment he made would some how give zero a perfect opportunity for another one of her 'clever' quips. "Hah! Thank god for your ass! Cause I already have.." William groaned at this comment as it was the fifth one today. "Again? I thought you said you would tone it down on the sleezy comments..." William said rolling his eyes. "Sorry not sorry.. Your reactions are just too funny that it's hard not to tease you!" Zero replied stretching their arms and leaning back into Williams lap with their head resting on the other chair arm closing their eyes. William looked back at his phone sliding his arm out from under zero. "Don't get too comfortable remember? If someone comes through that door you're gonna have to hid-" Before William could finish his sentence his phone pinged showing a text on his screen which made zero open one eye and William sigh. "Who's that? You're girlfriend?" William started stuttering clearly surprised on how forward that assumption was. "it's fine if it is... I'm honestly not surprised someone like you is taken" Zero smiled at William. "Uh... Yeah it's my girlfriend.. She's mad again..." Zero scoffed at this. Again? What does he mean by again? "Sounds like you and her have been having problems eh?" Zero said playfully. William laughed but it wasn't a happy laugh no, this one was empty followed by another sigh. Zero frowned at this, she was used to hiding sadness but this guy? He doesn't have that tough skin zero grew. "You know what this sounds like? It sounds like this girl isn't treating you well..." Zero said sitting up and facing William staring intently in his eyes. "Wha- what?" William uttered. Zero took William's phone scrolling through past conversations. "H-hey... Isn't this an invasion of privacy?" William said stuttering when zero hushed him by putting a finger up to his face. Zero started relaying the past fights both will and his girlfriend had in the past. "I swear if I could hear this girls voice it would be dripping with malice and toxicity! You seriously need to drop her... This can't be good for your health.. I would know..." That last part was very hushed and quiet. Afterwards zero handed williams phone back to him and William took it back but he was still thinking about what zero said about the whole 'she would know' bit but he decided not to push it. "Uhm... Right right.. Well maybe your right.." William replied. "Well then... How about we push past the whole toxic relationship thingy and start focusing on having fun aight?" Zero asked nudging williams arm. "Hah yeah... Let's do that..." William replied giving a warm smile. Zero looked at William completely in awe at how nice his smile is. "OhMyGodYou'reSoCute" Zero said under her breath. "Hahahhh.. What was that?" William asked giving zero a confused smile. "UHHHH... NOTHING!" Zero blurted out quickly getting out of williams lap and back into the arm of the chair laughing nervously. William rolled his eyes and went back to look at his phone. Zero sighed in relief at this... Thank god he was so oblivious to things like that. Zero thought in fact, why does she hangout with him so often? He's so ungodly vanilla it's annoying or that's how zero puts it but of course she can't say that to his face... It would completely blow any relationship with him away, friends or not she wants to keep it in tact. He's the only person who finds zero tolerable... Well besides this one girl she met but.. She's dead just like zero... Zero shrugged this off and looked back at William, it's fine.. Zero's got another light in her life.

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