pickup lines mini-chapter

5 1 0

{This isn't cannon}
{Or maybe it is lol}
"Heyyy William" Zero said floating near the window in a relaxed position with their hands behind their head "what do you want now zero..." William sighed. "If you were a triangle you would be... Acute one" Zero winks as William groans in embarrassment "hey... Hey william~" Zero said and William reluctantly turned around "What zero?" He said "are you a parking ticket? Because you've got FINE written all over you~" William put his head in his hands "hey William... Heyyy william~" Zero tapped on the glass and William responded with a muffled 'what...' "Do you like sales? Cause if your looking for a good one, clothing is 100% off in here" William replied with a very long groan while zero giggled up a storm.

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