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"Hey-" I join Alec, Isabelle, Clary and Jace in the Ops Center, placing my hands on my hips, "Any word from Magnus or Luke?"

"No." Alec sighs deeply as I stood between him and Isabelle, "With Valentine free, the Downworld Cabinet has been holding secluded meetings- at the Seelie Court."

Jace crosses his arms, "Well, that's not good."

Clary scoffs lightly, "You think anything good happens in the Seelie court?"

When I notice the look on Jace's face, I look at my younger sister with a disapproving look, "Clary."

"The Clave isn't gonna let this go unpunished, and the Inquisitor's sent an envoy to assess the situation." Alec looks down at his palms that leaned against the surface, "Chances are they'll be the ones replacing me as Head of the Institute."

"Hey- no." I placed a hand on his, leaning into him and looking up at him as he looked down so I could catch his eye, "That is not going to happen- okay?"

"Not if we can recapture Valentine." Isabelle adds in, siding with me as both Alec and I looked away, "Sebastian and all available personnel are searching."

"We already know Duncan managed to hijack the portal." Jace spoke up, "If he was Luke's accomplice, he could have been orchestrating the secret transfer all along."

"Listen- I appreciate the effort, but Valentine escaped on my watch." Alec exhales deeply, taking the blame, "I deserve to take the heat for it."

"No- no, absolutely not." I moved my hand and looked at him with completely sternness, snatching the blame right away, "This is no one else's fault but mine. I was the one in charge of the transfer team, if anyone's taking the heat for it, it's gonna be me."

"Hey, so were Isabelle and I." Jace interjects, "Look Alec, you are a good leader- you can't just let Imogen fire you over something you didn't do."

Robert Lightwood's voice filled all of our ears, catching us off guard, "Alec will do as he's ordered."

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I looked at him, a whisper leaving my lips, "Oh god-"

Isabelle was just as shocked, "Dad?"

My entire impression of him was destroyed when Alec told me that he cheated on Maryse.

Alec wasn't happy to see him, as he didn't even let out a simple greeting, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm the Clave's envoy." Robert stared at his son, "We need to talk."


"Well, I appreciate the help." Alec's voice filled my ears as I stopped a few feet away as I was heading toward his office, "But- don't you think this makes up for what you did to mom."

"Alec," Robert's voice followed, along with a little shuffling of him sitting down, "Your mother and I have always had a complicated relationship."

I took a step closer, my steps quieter than usual due to not wearing heeled boots today, completely slipping on my leather jacket that I was putting on, my outfit consisting of all black.

"It's not complicated." Alec shot back at his father, "You cheated on her- there's a reason she returned to Idris as soon as you got here."

"I made a mistake- I never meant to hurt you, but-" Robert's voice was wary as he replied, "I fell in love- you of all people should know what that's like ."

I began stepping back, feeling guilty that I was listening in on a conversion that wasn't mine to be heard.

"Zee isn't an affair." Alec's time was suddenly stern and slightly angry, making freeze in my tracks, "I have belonged to that woman completely ever since I laid eyes on her, and I have stuck with her- through hell and back. I love her more than anything in this world- and you have the nerve to compare my relationship with the woman I'm irrevocably and unconditionally in love with to your affair?"

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