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Hiiiii what's goodie?

I wanna start off by saying that the stories are all completely different from each other. That is unless I decide to break the story into parts.

Some of the stories will be smutty, some will be angsty, some will be fluffy, some will be crack, some will be all four idk yet.

To clarify things before we start, in these stories their won't be just one role. Like- sometimes Jungkook will be a dominant top, sometimes he'll be a submissive bottom. Taehyung sometimes will be a submissive top sometimes he'll be a dominant bottom. Sometimes they'll switch. In each of these one shots their positions won't be consistent.

I know that some one shots like to have all their stories to be strictly Top Taehyung or Top Jungkook. I'm not trying to denounce those books because I enjoy reading them. I just wanted to have a book of these stories to be different so you won't be walking into the same thing over and over again. I know that some people like to read a specific story where they prefer which member to top or they like to read stories where they switch.

I wanted to have a book where you can have all of the options. Switching or bottom tae, or bottom kook.

I feel like i'm explaining this more than necessary. Just- understand that their roles are different in each story.

I'll put in before each chapter what their positions will be so you can skip it if you don't like that role and read a story where you do.

N e ways....

The main ship in these stories will be taekook, obviously.

The main side ship will be Namjin, I really love Namjin so sorry for all you Minjoon shippers or Seokseok shippers and all the other ships that involve these two members.

The ships that'll vary in each story will be Yoonminseok, Yoonmin, Sope, and Jihope. I prefer to have the ship Yoonminseok but I don't mind the other ships so i'll just switch up it up for you guys. I'll also put which ship will be in the story before the chapter begins just like taekook's roles.

Okay, so since these are one shots and not a book I will have no idea when this book will end. I don't really have a end sight for this, so I don't know if this will ever be completed and because of that I won't have an update schedule.

I actually prefer to complete the story then publish all the chapters so I won't have to worry about readers asking for updates or writers block or if I don't like how the story is going and i'll just change it completely. Like my story "Secret Relationship", I literally rewrote it a good 6 times before I was okay with publishing it and it's still crappy. I wanna rewrite it again but ima just leave it alone.

The point is, I don't know when i'll update and I don't know how frequent i'll update. But i'll try my best to update frequently and consistently.

So the reason for me writing this one shot is cuz i'm always coming up with taekook stories that I want to write but I don't think I can juggle so many stories and update frequently.

I think that's about all the info ima give.

So to summarize errthing.

Taekook positions will be different in each story.

Namjin will always be a ship in each story.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin's ships will be different in each story.

I don't know when i'll update or how long it'll take for me to update.

And each story will be completely different from each other.

I'm done here, please comment, interact with other readers and vote on my shit, it really makes me happy.

Now let's hop into these stories🤪

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