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bill's pov

whats wrong with stan? why did he just run out like that?

i really hope he's okay

he's my best friend, i should go talk to him

"g-guh-guys i just remembered, i told g-georgie i would play with him to-today, i'll see you guys later" he quickly got up and ran all the way to stans house

10 minutes later

i show up to stans house and quickly knock on the door

a couple seconds later, stans mother, andrea, opens the door

"oh, h-hi, mrs. uris, i was wondering if stan was he-here, i need to talk to him" bill stuttered

"im afraid he isn't," andrea answered "but im pretty sure he is at richies house!"

"o-okay! thank you!" he waved goodbye and went to richies house

stans pov

richie was talking to me and telling me everything would be alright, and every now and then, he would hug me for minutes

we heard a knock on the door and richie ran down stairs, telling me he would be back

i heard him talking to somebody and i couldn't tell who, then they came upstairs

"h-heh-hey, stan" i looked up and i saw bill

"oh, um, hey, bill! what are you doing here?" i said with tears about to fall

"uhm, i nuh-needed to t-talk to you, can we go ou-outside?"

i looked at richie and he shook his head, so i agreed to go outside and talk to him

once we were outside, he looked into my eyes and gave me a huge hug

that hug meant the world to me, it was probably the closest thing to being with bill i will ever get

i started crying immediately and just sobbed into his shoulder

he took me off of his shoulder and started talking "stan, what's wrong? yo-you don't have to keep things from me! it's okay!"

"no, bill! i-i can't tell you! that's the problem! you'll want to punch and kick and hurt me! you'd want to kill me! im sorry, bill, but I can't!"

bill had a sad, but sort of happy face "i would never do anything to hurt you" he said quietly, and he slowly leaned in and kissed me

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