The door opens and they hear a gasp. "Prince Louis, Prince Harry!" They bolt up and sees Liam and Zayn. Louis understands why they're reacting like this. Harry motions them out and they leave. Harry looks at Louis. "Wanna go into town today?" "Sure." 

They get up and Louis leaves to let Harry get dressed. Harry leaves the room and they head to the main hall of the castle. They see the King and turn around. When they turn around they see the Queen. Louis and Harry just stand there. 

"Zayn and Liam told us, they found you in the same room." Louis looks away. "He just spent the night..." "Prince Louis, I recommend you leave..." Louis nods and looks at Harry. "Goodbye Prince Harry." Louis leaves and Harry looks at his parents. "I'm going into town." 

Harry leaves and makes his way into town. The people in town see him and move out of his way. "Morning Prince Harry..." Harry stays quiet, he has a reputation for not talking when he's in town. He sees a girl holding out a red rose. He accepts it from her and she smiles and blushes. 

Her mom smiles and turns to her daughter. "We got invited to the Marriage ball for Prince Harry, you'll definitely be marrying him." Harry keeps walking and turns around and sees people still on the sides of the street. 

He hears a horse and sees a brown one then the rider is holding the lead to a black one with a white marking on its head. The rider motions Harry over. Harry goes over and gets up on the horse. The other rider has a helmet on that covers his face. 

He flicks the reigns and they begin riding off. Harry keeps up with the other rider until their in a beautiful meadow. They get off and the guy takes his helmet. Harry smiles when he sees Louis. "Thanks for the ride..." Louis smiles and ties the horses to the tree. 

"I heard about the ball...ready to be king?" "No...I don't want to marry..." "You'll find a beautiful girl..." Harry looks at him. "I'm not marrying..." Harry looks at Louis. "Everyone in town is invited and other royal families..." Louis looks at him. "I wasn't invited..." 

Harry then remembers the invitation. "Here..." Harry hands him one. "Why?" "Everyone was invited?" Louis nods and they lay down on the grass. Louis sits up and picks flowers. "What're you doing?" "Making you something for you..." Harry smiles and closes his eyes. 

He doesn't know how long it is before he wakes up. He wakes up and sees Louis curled up on the grass. The horses are sleeping and Harry sees two flower crowns beside Louis and smiles. He takes his jacket off and covers Louis. He hears leaves crunching and wakes Louis up. 

"Louis, wake up, someone's here..." Louis wakes up and wraps Harry's jacket around himself. He feels a pair of arms wrap around him and he screams. "Louis..." Louis calms down and they run. They hear the footsteps running after them. They run and end up at a ledge. 

They look over and see the water. "We have to jump..." Louis drops the jacket. "Har-" Thew footsteps get closer. "Har-." And closer. "Jump!"  Harry grabs Louis' hand and they jump off. Louis screams and tries to hold onto Harry. They hit the water and separate. 

Harry swims up but doesn't see Louis. "Louis?" He sees Louis flailing. "Louis!" He swims over and helps Louis. Louis holds onto him. He tries to catch his breath. "I t-tried to tell y-you..." Harry nods and swims them to the bank of the land. Louis sits there. "I'm freezing!" 

Harry gets out and looks at their clothes. "Follow me." They go and find some tall grasses. "Let's use this. "For?" "Grass skirts..." They each make one and set them aside. They strip and pull the grass skirts on. Louis blushes and watches as their clothes dry. "Gonna take a while." 

"I wanna go home..." Harry nods "Tomorrow morning, we head back..." Louis nods and lays down. Harry goes over and lays beside him. They fall asleep.

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