Chapter 2- Friends?

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Minerva Crosby was an interesting woman. As soon as Ruby had seen her she felt something off.
"You must be Doctor Crosby,"
Minerva nodded. "Yes. And your name is Ruby Jones?"
"Yeah," Jones stuck out her hand.
Minerva shook it. As soon as Minerva touched her, Ruby felt something. No, not felt, heard.
She will wash away the sins
Take my hand
The end of days is near
"Miss Jones?"
Ruby snapped out of it. "Huh?!"
"I was asking you about a job offer,"
"Oh... uh. Sorry," Jones studied Minerva's face. She looked normal.
"Um... what sort of job is it?"
"A job here. You'd work for the whole Foundation, but specifically for me,"
"Oh. That sounds interesting. I'll think about it,"
"Alright," Minerva stood up. "Good talk," she smiled. Jones nodded.

The next few months were tests. What could she survive? What couldn't she survive? And occasionally Ruby meet people. Emma Lee, Benjamin Kondraki, Simon Glass, a woman who just simply went by "Watson", and Minerva still dropped in occasionally. But at this point, Jones was getting sick of it. Interview after interview after interview, test after test after test. Finally she said something about it while talking with Doctor Kondraki.
"How much longer will this go on?"
Kondraki looked surprised. "What do you mean?"
"All this testing, interviewing, dying,"
"Oh... uh... I think a year-"
"Why a whole year?" She cut off. "Doesn't that seem a bit excessive?"
"Protocol I guess," Kondraki shrugged. "I don't make the rules,"
Jones rolled her eyes. "This is getting rather old. And don't you think rules should be broken every once in a while?"
"That's what im trying to say. I mean, c'mon. If you don't break rules, where's the fun in life?"
Jones smiled. This would be easy. "Yeah, I mean, who doesn't like to have fun. Maybe," She looked directly into Kondraki's eyes, "maybe you could bend the rules just a little bi-"
"I'm sorry. That trick may have worked on that other idiot, but it won't work on me,"
"Wh- what?!" Ruby looked surprised. This had never happened before. "How did you know?!"
"Look, kid, when you've worked with Minerva for long enough, you're able to identify mind tricks with ease." He smiled. "Don't worry, kid. You'll get that job before you know it,"

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