Chapter 5- The Bar is High

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Jones had just finished styling her hair. "Ok, I'm done. How bout you, Em?"
"No, no, hold on..." she searched through her makeup bag. "I can't my favorite shade of lipstick!"
"Did you check your purse?"
"Oh yeah!" Then Emma ran to grab her purse.
Jones stared in the mirror. She thought she looked pretty. But that wouldn't matter, as the bar probably had dim light.
Emma ran back with her whole purse. "You were right!"
"Of course I was!" Jones laughed.
Emma quickly applied the lipstick and stuffed the tube in her purse.
"Okay, I'm ready now. Shall I call a cab?"
Jones shrugged. "Sure, why not,"
She waited while Emma was on the phone. She was excited for tonight. It had been ages since she had seen Watson and Kondraki. Jones wanted to catch up with them, see how life was.
"Aight, cab's almost here. Got your ID and everything?"
Jones searches though her purse. "Yup. Got everything. You?"
Emma nodded. "Of course I've double checked, and triple checked, and quadruple checked and-"
"Okay, okay, I get it," Ruby laughed.
Then a cab pulled up. "There's our ride!" Emma said happily.
They both hopped into the cab. The driver wasn't talkative at all, so Emma and Ruby were thankful for that.
When they arrived at the bar, Emma payed and tipped the driver.
Jones read the sign. "The Drunken Dragon Tavern. Huh," she looked at Emma.
"It's a nice place," she shrugged. "C'mon, let's go in,"
They went inside. They saw that Watson and Clef were already there.
"Hey guys!" Emma said, happily.
Watson looked over and smiled. "Hey Lee, hey Jonesie!"
Jones realized at that moment that no matter what, Watson was always wearing mirrored sunglasses, even if it was almost completely dark outside. And Jones had never actually seen Watson's eyes.
Clef smiled. "You're almost a half hour late,"
"Yeah, well-" Jones looked around- "I can tell that Bright and Konny aren't here yet, so we're early,"
Watson laughed. "She sorta has a point. So, you two gonna order anything?"
Emma glanced at the menu. "Ooh, I think I'll have a Manhattan,"
Clef raised his glass. "Good choice,"
"I think... a White Russian maybe?" Ruby said. "What did you get, Watson?"
"Margarita," she took a sip.
They were interrupted by loud arguing coming from the front.
"Look, you didn't give me any directions,"
"You've been here a million times!"
"So?! I've never had to drive!"
Bright and Kondraki were in the middle of an argument as they walked through the door.
Clef rolled his eyes. "Konny let Bright drive? Seriously?"
Emma waved them over. Jones knew that Bright was short, but he looked extra tiny next to the mountain of a man that Kondraki was.
"Hiya, Konny!" Clef said, smiling.
"Hello Alto," Kondraki smiled as well.
"Look at them. They're practically flirting," Bright whispered to the girls. They laughed.
Bright and Kondraki ordered their drinks.

Five drinks later and (almost) everyone was a giggling mess. Watson was designated driver that night, so she couldn't get too tipsy.
"Okay, okay," Jones said, giggling. "Who here has siblings?"
Bright, Watson, and Clef raised their hands.
"Wait wait wait wait wait, when did you get a sibling?" Emma asked Clef.
"Ooohhh y'know... I've got a stupid sister named Treble,"
"Why haven't I seen her?"
"Probably cuz she doesn't want to be seen,"
He laughed rather loudly.
"Hey, Jones, you ever tried the strong shit?" Kondraki asked, gesturing to his glass.
Ruby shrugged. "Fuck if I know,"
Kondraki nodded. He waved the bartender down and got another shot of whiskey. He then slid it to Jones.
She threw her head back and downed the glass. Then she almost spat it back out.
"Holy shit that's strong!" Ruby said, laughing.
They all started laughing.
The music changed to a slower song.
"Tiny Dancer. Elton John. I LOVE this song!" Clef said. His words were slightly slurred. He stood up and held his hand out to Kondraki. "Shall we dance?"
Kondraki smiled and took his hand, allowing Clef to lead him off the seat.
They lazily slow danced with Clef in the lead, though it was obvious that he couldn't dance to save his life.
Watson laughed. "They're adorable together, and it's obvious they like each other, but neither will admit it,"
"'Course they won't," Bright said. "They're both too chicken..." he tried to stand up but immediately fell over.
"Okaaayyy Bright. I think that's enough drinks for you," Watson said, lifting him up off the ground.
"No no no no I'm okay!" He struggled to get out of her grip, but she held him tight.
Watson sighed. "Guess I'm driving you all home tonight,"
Emma shook her head vigorously. "Noooo I think we'll be okay,"
"Yeah, you two can take a cab I guess. I have to drive these three assholes home," she gestured at Kondraki, Clef, and Bright. "And judging by the way y'all are acting, I should probably get you home,"
Watson called Emma and Jones a cab and loaded Clef, Kondraki, and Bright into her car.

When the girls got home, Emma almost collapsed on the floor. She stumbled into their bedroom and passed out on her bed. Jones soon followed.

Ruby JonesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant