Minerva- Part 2

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Minerva Crosby sat down on her couch and turned on the news. She always had on the news because she was looking. Looking for someone.
A cat came and sat on her lap. Two more followed.
She absentmindedly stroked the cats' ears as she flipped through news stations, trying to find a big story. Then, she stopped.
"..and later tonight, we hear about a young woman who was the only survivor in a train wreck today," the news reporter had said. "More tonight at nine,"
Minerva looked at the clock and groaned. It was only 7:30. She had to suffer through an hour and a half of stupid stories and that reporter with her annoying voice and lipstick that was three shades too bright.
"Well, my dears," she looked down at her three cats, "are you ready for dinner?"
The cats jumped off her lap and went to the kitchen. She followed.
"Hmm... y'know, I don't want to die either. I'm not even retired yet. But for some reason.. I'm not worried." She picked up the bag of food and poured each cat a bowl. "I'm worried about all of you though. I don't know who I can give you to. Watson is allergic, Clef probably wouldn't like the responsibility, Emma... actually, she might be a good fit,"
Minerva smiled down at the cats. They were her everything. She loved them about as much as she loved Watson.
Watson. Minerva froze. How would she tell Watson about her death? They had been close for ages. Minerva remembered the day they first met clearly.
There Watson was sitting, just 12 years old, on the back bumper of a fire truck. Minerva sat next to her.
"It's all my fault.. it's my fault they're dead.." she was sobbing.
Minerva placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder. "It's not your fault,"
"Yes it is!" Watson's hand went up in flames. "Look! I did it! It's my fault!" She started to cry harder.
"You can't control your powers, can you?"
The girl shook her head.
"Then it's not your fault. Here, you can come with me. I can teach you. I can protect you," Minerva smiled.
"R- really..?" Watson rubbed her eyes.
"Of course,"
And ever since that day, the two had had a bond. A mother and daughter bond.
Minerva broke out of the daydream. She sighed.
"Might as well make myself something to eat..."

Crosby was sitting on the couch waiting for this last story to wrap up. Something about schools being in debt.
"And now, we're going to cover the story of a 24 year old woman who was the only survivor of a train crash," finally. Here it was. "We're handing it over to you, Steve,"
"Thank you, Barbra," said the man who had just appeared on screen. "At around 5:15 today, the brand new Elva Wells Metro had a very deadly accident. Due to the tracks being slightly sticky, it got caught up and crashed into itself. Out of all 57 passengers, only one survived,"
Minerva shuddered. That sounded like a terrible way to go.
The camera cut to a young woman with blonde hair, glasses, and freckles.
"And here we are talking to the survivor. What is your name, Miss?"
"J- Julia Blake," the girl looked extremely nervous.
"Do you know how you survived?"
"N- no, not at all. I mean, I guess I'm just r- really good at avoiding accidents..." Julia looked beside her, as though looking at someone.
"Oh really? Can you elaborate?"
"Well when I w- was about... eight years old, I was playing catch with a f- friend and the ball rolled into the street, so I ran to g- go get it, and a car narrowly avoided hitting me.." she named a few other instances of accidents that had happened, but hadn't effected her.
At that moment, Minerva knew that this was the Angel.
"I'll be back in a little bit, my dears!" Then she ran to her car and quickly drove to the Elva Wells Metro.

Though the crash has happened at 5:00, there was still a large crowd there. She got out of her car and started looking around, asking people if they had seen Julia.
Finally someone told her that she was at the hospital. Minerva thanked them and drove there.
When she got there, she hadn't realized how hard it would be to actually get up to Julia.
"How may I help you?" The woman at the front desk had said.
"I need to see Julia Blake,"
The woman looked through her papers. "She isn't expecting any visitors,"
"Look, I have to see her,"
"Because she's my..." Minerva thought for a moment. "Niece. And I.. drove all the way from Hawthorne just to see her,"
"Hm... well, you'll have to fill out these papers first," the woman handed Minerva some papers and a clipboard.
Minerva wondered how long it had been since she had been to a hospital, because last time she checked, she didn't have to do this.
As she filed out the paperwork, she noticed people just being allowed to walk to the rooms.
Minerva felt tears running down her cheeks. She wiped her eyes and saw that it wasn't tears, but instead a thick black liquid, almost like oil.
"Shit, not now, not now..." she muttered as she wiped away all the tears.
She ran to the desk. "You need to let me up there. Now,"
"Are you done with the papers-"
"LET ME UP THERE!" Minerva slammed her fists on the desk. Damn it, now she was getting violent.
"Fine. She's in room 204,"
"Thank you," Crosby ran to the room and burst in.
Julia looked up from the book, surprised. Next to her sat... an Angel...
"Angel!" Minerva said, out of breath.
"You are the Angel!"
"W- wait.. you can see h- him too..?"
Minerva sat down in the chair next to Julia. "Yes, yes I can. My name is Doctor Minerva Crosby,"
"Oh. I'm J- Julia Blake," Julia smiled.
"Julia, have you ever wondered why you have an angel constantly following you?"

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