Chapter 1: The Immortal Program

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"Welcome to your internship at Limbo! We had a networking session yesterday so I hope you're all familiar with the department heads. Each of you will be assigned to different teams depending on your preference and the results of your compatibility test. We hope you have a great experience!"

I shuffled my feet as I waited to be assigned to a department. Kelly smiled as she handed me my slip.

The Immortal Program: Psychological analysis

More grunt work, I thought and walked over to Billy's team looking with envy at the Interface design team. Billy shook hands with each of us, divided us into pairs, and assigned each pair a workstation.

My partner was Sharon, who unlike the rest of us got in through a high-end referral and was already tagged as a rich brat. I, being on the far end of the compassion spectrum, was willing to give the matter more consideration before drawing any ill-defined conclusions and thus with this bold disposition I greeted her with utmost regard.

She smiled and said, "I have a boyfriend."

I nodded and sniffed approval at the fast judgement of my colleagues. Our wise elders had it right, stereotypes are there for a reason.

A work chart was spread on the wall where the task of each pair would be assigned. Sharon walked up to Billy, whispered something into his ear and he nodded. She walked back and took out a sheet from her bag.

She declared, "Our first assignment. I already knew my department from the start so they let me handpick it."

I said, "Cool."

"What are you? A kid?"

Holding my shattered ego together I decided to overlook this gratuitous statement and instead focused on my first assignment.

Subject name- Adam Jones

Description- Replacement android for terminal patient Adam Jones.

I said, "Looks interesting."

Sharon scoffed, "You are welcome."

This time ready with a comeback, I proudly sneered.

"Your boyfriend must be a real lucky guy."

"Your girlfriend's so lucky, she never met you."

Damn, she's good.

I took out my Limbo goggles and strapped it on my head. I proceeded to log in to the terminal and opened the files on Subject Adam Jones.

I said, "You don't like eye control, I suppose?"

Sharon pouted, "Winking at the computer to take screenshots? No thank you."

I said with a grin, "Well, I use it for the anti-glare. Besides I changed my wink setting to CTRL Tab."

Sharon was silent for once and took out her Google Glass. A brand person as presumed.

I said, irritated, "Stop zooming."

Sharon retorted, "Sit back! Your head's almost inside the screen."

Fellow interns from the next station giggled as we fought like a married couple. Sharon decided it would be better if we used two screens and took out her laptop.

Finally free from her charade, I started on my assignment.

Adam Jones daily log of input and inherent thoughts-

"You are Adam Jones."

I am Adam Jones.

"You are a replacement android for the human Adam Jones."

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