Chapter 8: Exit

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Sharon slung the broken spy-bot at my table, "Here you go."

I silently pocketed it. Carter looked confused but knew better than to ask. We divided the assignments three-way on Sharon's suggestion and tested the androids solo.

I tried to gauge her anger but then what do I know.

By the end of the day I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Are you angry?"

Sharon sighed "I'm not."

I took her hand in mine "Let's take a detour then."

"Where are we going?"

"They added an extension to that horror exhibit."

She punched me on the shoulder "Fuck off."

I laughed.

End of path. Game exit.


I opened my eyes and found myself floating in a water chamber. I took off the headset and let myself out. I changed into my normal clothes and walked out. Sharon was already there.

"So how was it?"

I said, my head still numb, "It was fun. I played the internship program memory again. We ended up together again."

"In mine, I never broke up with my first boyfriend."

"What did you change?"

Sharon laughed "I turned myself into a soft-spoken shy girl."

"Well thank god you're not."

Chris, the technician of the game parlor apologized again for the mid-game interrupt and gave us a bonus voucher for our next visit.

"What if" a simulation game where you can replay your memories under a different setting. Use this voucher to experience living on Mars.

Sharon said "What was your setting?"

"I made myself bisexual and turned you into a robot."

Sharon said "Bisexual? Seriously? Let me guess... you were thinking that would create a love triangle with Carter."

She's reading my mind even outside the simulation.

Sharon raised her eyebrow, "So did it work?"

"Sort of. You said to Carter 'He's mine'. Carter faded away after that. Wonder what that guy is up to now. It's been like 3 years."

"Fuck Carter. Where do we go now?"

I opened up the events catalog on my phone, "Oooh they opened up a new horror exhibit. Wanna go?"

Sharon punched me on the shoulder "Fuck off."

I laughed. I will never get tired of this.

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