Chapter 5: Copy

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I was getting back from work when I saw Sharon idling in front of my apartment building.

I said, "Hey."

Sharon said, "Hi. Won't you invite me in?"

I took her hand and we walked into my place. She sat down on my couch and I got out apple juice. Health is the trend these days.

I asked, "Why didn't you come to work today?"

Sharon said, "I was scared."

"Of what?"

"You never asked me about my breakup. Why?"

"It's none of my business."

"You don't want to know why I got dumped?"

"I am glad you got dumped."

"Wow. Even you can be smooth, huh. Anyways the reason I'm here today is to tell you that..."

Sharon took a deep breath and blurted out "I am not a human."

I said, "I know."

Sharon blinked, "W-when?"

"After we reported our relationship to Kelly, she reported it to your father. We had a talk."


Sharon got up and started pacing around the room. I sat silently.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was waiting till you were ready to tell me on your own."

"How much did father tell you?"

"He told me that you were a replacement android for his daughter Sharon. Sharon had skin cancer and died a few months back, after 5 years of treatment."

Sharon stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Your ex-boyfriend... Sharon's boyfriend didn't feel comfortable dating a copy of his real girlfriend and broke up with you. He's currently enrolled in a therapy camp."

"You already know everything."

I wondered what I should say to her when she just walked out. Her purse was still on the couch. I picked it up and ran after her.

She was waiting for me by the road. Her cab on standby.

She said, "Get in."

I got in; Sharon sat diagonally from me. The 4-seat driverless cab droned softly as it slid across a plastic-blended terrain.

It stopped at a cemetery.


Sharon's grave was made of the standard plastic-granite mix but with engravings in silver.

Sharon said, "That's me. Or the real me."

I said, "You are the real you."

"There's no difference between us two."

"You'll never be an exact copy, Sharon."

"And why's that?"

"Because you know you are not a human. Old Sharon never had to wonder about that, and that makes you different."

"Don't expect me to fall in your arms with just that."

I said with a grin, "Why don't you kiss me instead?"

Sharon frowned, "We are at a cemetery, Andrew. My grave is literally staring at you."

Andrew. Is that my name? Wait... why can't I remember my own name? Who the fuck is Andrew?

Sharon said "Andrew, you okay?"

Identity mismatch. Context saved. Shut down protocol initiated.

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