Special Chapter: Mars

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Sharon seemed excited to turn in the 'Living on Mars' voucher so we headed back to the VR game parlour next weekend. While in the earlier stages of living sims, optical data and audio were used; tech has progressed so far that now they communicate the electrical impulses straight to the brain. This method does put a minimal strain on the nervous system so playing time per day is limited.

Sharon reminisced, "Remember that trip we took to Australia? We could use that memory to remake it as Mars."

That trip was a disaster, our bags were stolen and while Sharon shrugged it off as a minor inconvenience, I lost my chance to propose along with the ring I bought.

We entered the game parlour and Chris greeted us as usual.

Chris said, "Here for the Mars trip I presume?"

Sharon said, totally amped up, "Absolutely!"

I was going to use a different memory for my simulation when Chris showed us the new rig they had installed. A multiplayer system and of course Sharon insisted we use that one.

Chris said, "Many newly-weds use it to replay their honeymoon together. Just don't get too obsessed."

If I had proposed back then, we could have done that as well. Sharon took charge of the dashboard and filled in the settings.

Chris droned, "Since this is a multiplayer system there might be inconsistencies in your environment depending on how differently you remember your trip."

Maybe I will manage to propose this time. Proposed in a simulation, Sharon wouldn't like that.


We got off from the space pad wearing lean bodysuits. The air came in through a filter and the terrain glittered a golden red.

Sharon had her mouth open in awe as she stared at the tall electric storm brewing in the distance. I held my bag close as I stared at the inflatable plastic-dome that had been erected to be a vacation house for the tourists.

For some reason there seemed to be a lot of potatoes in the greenhouse along with a gardener who looked a lot like an actor from a very old movie.

At the center of the gargantuan dome there was a plaza, where roamed a talking model of Elon Musk who would often guide tours and enlighten the audience on the prospects of terraforming the red planet.

Sharon and I rented a rover and went around sightseeing. The sand dunes seemed to flow in the distance as if waves in the ocean. We stopped at a crater and got out to take pictures.

The cam-bot would fly around and take shots from different angles as Sharon grabbed my bodysuit by the neck and smiled. It was a secluded spot and I figured a bit too lonely for a proposal. I let the ring rest in my pocket as we sat at the edge of the crater staring at the horizon.

When we were back inside the dome it felt awkward to bend the knee in front of a crowd. Inside the hotel room it felt too mundane. In the greenhouse there were just too many potatoes.

Sharon said "What's up? You've been sighing all day long."

Lost in my track of thought I mumbled, "Ring."

Sharon said furrowing her brow, "What ring?"

I said hastily, "Uh I was just thinking about having some onion rings."

Sharon said, "On Mars?"

I bit my tongue, "Maybe not."

Sharon figured something was up but didn't inquire further. I kept replaying that scene in my head and before I knew it the simulation had ended.

I got outside the water chamber and removed the tapes on my head. Sharon was silent as she changed back to her normal clothes.

We bid farewell to Chris and walked down the avenue as bright lights shone from all around.

I said, "That was pretty cool, huh?"

Sharon said, deep in thought, "Yeah... Although you were acting all out of it. Come to think of it you were also moping around in Australia."

I gulped "No no Australia was great."

Sharon stopped walking and folded her arms. It was time to talk.

I said with heavy breaths, "I was going to propose in Australia, but the ring got stolen along with our clothes."

Sharon's expression did a 180, "Oh."

Since the cat was already out of the bag, I started to get down on one knee.

Sharon yelled, "Not here!"

She grabbed my hand and kept dragging me till we were out of the marketplace. A few passers-by grinned as they saw us rushing towards the hotels.

Once in a secluded area, Sharon leaned against the wall breathing heavily. Her face was red with sweat. I saw a patrolling bot change routes to give us privacy. What did it think we were gonna do?

Sharon said "I-idiot. You don't even have a ring. And doing it in front of so many people!?"

I took out the chain from under my shirt, on it was slung a ring.

I asked, "Will this do?"

Sharon pouted "Lame. I don't want your LOTR merchandise."

Well, it was worth a shot.

Sharon continued "Do it with a proper ring... and I'll accept it."

I placed the order while we travelled home and the next day, I got myself a fiancé.

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