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I peeked out from the small little opening in the tiny bush and watched as the high school/college age goulies shotgunned beers and swallowed Jell-O shots. I knew that we only had one shot. One shot to get this right and bring my dad home. I gave a nod to the serpents around around me and pointed to where the tent the ghoulies were all hanging out in. I grabbed my lighter and made a hand motion to look like an explosion. I gave a thumbs up to ask if they understood and they all nodded. I could tell some people were scared. Alani McCoy was curled up in her boyfriend, Mason's arms, she looked frightened but I knew that shy little bookworm was a badass on the inside. I texted Claire, Sasha, and Sean and gave them the go. A couple seconds after I pressed send gas started spraying all over the ghoulies tent and camp ground. Some ghoulies came out of the tent to investigate the smell and the liquid that was being sprayed on them. They tried to see where it was coming from but they were all too drunk or high to see clearly in the dark. Once most of the gang was out of the tent I lit my lighter and threw it onto their camp ground. Just as I had planned the lighter lit the gasoline drenched tent on fire. A couple ghoulies shreaked as the fire spread onto the ground threatening to engulf their feet and bodies in the flames. I noticed a couple short girls try to climb on their boyfriends shoulders to avoid the flames but failing. Then just as I had explained to the rest of the group all the serpents came running out from behind the bushes or jumping down from trees to fight the ghoulies. They knew they were fighting the ghoulies because, well they were jerks nobody liked them, but what they didn't know was that they were fighting for my dad. My dad's return. And all I could do was hope we were strong enough to fight them off and bring him home.

Ava JonesWhere stories live. Discover now