Chapter 7

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Another two weeks have passed since the genuine conversation with the twins on the balcony. Over the last two weeks, I've been able to heal enough where I can do things independently now without pain. I've spent the last two weeks observing the twins and mulling over in my head what their confession really means. It means that I have two Royal Alpha mates who want only me. I can see them struggling not to make me feel uncomfortable and struggling to not touch me too much even though I know they really want to. They've respected my decisions and whenever one of them goes across my personal line, they always respect me when I say stop or even pick up on me not wanting to be touched. The twins are better men than I originally thought. We often meet once on the balcony and they let me ask as many questions as I can or that I might have burning in the top of my mind. I also return the favor when one of them asks about a flower, plant, tree, or bug that they don't know about. We all eat together for every meal, and Kaiden usually cooks for us. I just love to watch him cook because I've never really been able to watch someone do a task without being talked down to. 

"You showered already?" Kaiden's voice scared me, forcing me to jump and turn to look at him. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. "You usually wait until after dinner and it's only ten in the morning." He greeted me by giving me a kiss in the same place of my neck as the first time. This has become their greeting to me every time. I allow it because they would do it regardless, and it makes me feel like I'm special to them.

"I didn't think you two were home. I showered because I was painting and made a mess." I nodded with a smile and turned back to the garden, but turned back to him frantically. "I didn't ruin anything, I cleaned my mess u-" He shocked me by kissing me on the lips. This was a new feeling, my first of this. He eventually pulled away and I felt the heat rising to my face. I looked away and let my hair cover my face slightly so he couldn't see. 

"You don't have to be afraid that we're going to be upset with you, princess." He was always reassuring me. "Even if you burned the house down, it's replaceable. Your trust in us and your life is not replaceable and can't happen twice." He's always saying such sappy things to me, but I always accept what he says because I see that he is truly trying. He noticed when I shower, that's some observation on some serious scale. 

"How did you know I showered?" I looked up at him confused. "My hair isn't wet." He smiled and rubbed his neck nervously.

"You always smell strongly of lavender, eucalyptus, and mint when you have just showered. Even if your hair dries, the smell hangs around you when you pass us or even just opening the front door." My heartfelt like it was exploding in my chest because of him. For some reason, I started to genuinely laugh. He looked at me embarrassed and huffed. He turned to leave but I grabbed his sleeve and tugged him back. I pinched his cheek and giggled at him, his face was the color of a tomato. 

"That's actually really cute." He swatted my hand away and poked my side making me bend and laugh. He went on to tickle me, but I attempted to grab his hands and we began wrestling with each other. I could hear him laughing with me. He was holding me with my back to him and his hands wrapped around me across my stomach. "Okay, stop." I sighed, slightly out of breath. His heartbeat was increasing when I held my hands over his and leaned into his body. He refused to let me go for like ten minutes because he kept saying I 'smelt like home' to him. 

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