Chapter Three

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Jacob sipped from a mug of cold coffee. To those who did not know him the crow's feet around, his eyes made him appear older.

Abbey, Michael and Tyler approached the shop door. With a fixed smile on her face, she punched a button on her mobile.

Seated at Abbey's desk, Jacob closed his eyes and swore in Afrikaans. The last thing he needed was those three. His fingers raced across the keyboard. Finished, he removed a portable drive from her laptop and slipped it into his shirt pocket. One quick glance assured him everything was as she had left it. Moments later, he charged up the stairs.

A grin filled Jacobs's face as he opened the main door. "You came to see a genius at work."

Abbey sneered. "I'm here to see if you've come to your senses."

"Fine," said Jacob.

The three of them followed Jacob and descended into his empire. In seconds, each of them sat in front of their keyboards.

Jacob let his eyes skate over her shapely body as he dissected her pluses and minuses. Her black designer bag, which hung from the back of her chair, caught his attention. Its colour matched her lipstick.

She turned and smiled, "Have you given what you said last night any thought?"

He gazed at Abbey with malice. "You could humour me."

"I question your thinking."

Jacob's brow twisted in thought as he glared at her. "You're wrong Abbey, if I can launch a missile, it will force our government and the rest of the world to immobilise. No missiles. No nuclear holocaust. We will have peace."

"If you believe that, you're raving. Those in charge will create a bigger stick to beat people with."

Jacob stood and sidled to where Abbey sat and placed his hands on the back of her chair. "The shock of an outsider being able to launch an ICBM will put the brakes on missile production." When he moved his hands, her bag dropped to the floor and burst open. "Sorry." He picked up the bag, slipping the memory stick inside.

Abbey grabbed the bag, retrieved its contents, stood and turned to the others. "I don't know about you two, but I'm out of here."

"Don't come back."

"I don't need this shit. You're a fucking idiot."

There was stunned silence as she headed for the stairs.

Tyler followed her. "Looks like I'll have to find a job."

"You and me both," she replied.

As the main door closed, Tyler said, "You know he'll try."

As they walked from the shop, she replied. "There's a fanatical flaw in his character. He's dangerous."


With a dry smile, Jacob said to Michael. "Find me to a weather satellite over northern India."

Without answering, Michael punched the keys, loaded one of his favourite zombie programmes, and waited. "I have a great view of the east coast and no clouds."

"Michael, watch the screen." Jacob pressed one key.

"So far, nothing."

"You must be blind." Jacob pushed him out of the way and stared at the screen. "This can't be happening."

Michael shook his head. "Maybe you're not as good as you think.

"What are you saying?"

"Let me offer you a piece of advice."

"You are a student computer engineer. What guidance can you give me?"

Michael smiled. "In future before operating your mouth engage your brain."

"You doubt my skill."

"In a word, yes. Next time make sure you can do it and don't fuck up. I'm off."

Jacob grimaced when Michael left. On bolting the main door, he returned to his desk.

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