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Abbey trudged along the pavement towards New Scotland Yard, her mind focused. What does Haliwell want this time? Her head buzzed, and her heart rate increased. She smiled at her own thoughts. I'm like a cow walking into a slaughterhouse. On signing in an officer escorted her to Haliwell's office. She was surprised to see Michael and Tyler already there.

Haliwell checked the time. "My secretary told you eight o'clock. I'm pleased you found the time." He smiled, hoping his firm tone put the fear of God into them.

She nodded pensively. "Blame the traffic."

"You should have left home earlier. Now shut up and listen."

Abbey took a deep breath. "I'm listening."

Haliwell's tired eyes were interrogative. "This morning I will ask you questions, and you will give me your answers. The difference is it will be as individuals. If I discover your stories are not the same, then the games begin, and you can forget about going home tonight. Do I make myself clear?"

The three of them nodded but remained silent.

"Michael, you first. You two will be taken to another room where you cannot overhear." He buzzed his secretary who entered a minute later. "Annie," he pointed, "take those two away."

"Will you please follow me?"

Haliwell cleared his mind and concentrated. "Michael, don't ask to sit. I'd hate to think you were comfortable and the law demands I have to tell you this interview is being recorded." He pointed towards the camera, its red power light blinking. "Now, in your own words, tell me everything about Jacob Spink and his plans to launch missiles. Oh, the police found him on Blackfriars Bridge."

"You should be asking him these questions?"

"Haliwell rubbed his chin. Bit difficult. He's dead."

Michael's face turned ashen. "What do you mean, he's dead?"

"We received a report that he was stabbed and died from his injuries. The university has been informed. You and your friends crossed the line when you stole money from bank accounts and became members of the criminal fraternity."

Michael smiled. "You'd have a tough job proving it."

"You cracked the system, and I doubt any of the banks would have discovered their loss. So why did Jacob change the game plan"

The questioning continued for over an hour before Haliwell buzzed Annie.

"Yes boss."

"Take this young man and make sure he leaves the building and return with Tyler. Michael, return to your halls and stay there."

Confused, he followed Annie out of the room.

While he waited for Annie to return with Tyler, Haliwell strolled around his office, stopped and stared out of the window. He started to ask himself questions, why would they lie to me. Someone has to do this, why me. A knock on the door spoilt his train of thought.

Haliwell's head throbbed as he experienced the weight of the world on his shoulders. "Come in."

"Where's Michael?" asked Tyler.

With both elbows on his desk, Haliwell churched his fingers. "He answered my questions and left. Now I'm a good listener. Please tell me everything you can remember from meeting Jacob Spink to the present day."

"I've told you all I know but if you insist."

Haliwell snapped. "I do."

When Tyler left, Haliwell sat in silence and allowed his mind to wander. Both men were mere pawns in a game. Jacob tossed them a few crumbs and they took the bait. Would Abbey be any different?

Annie entered with Abbey. "Would you like a cup of coffee, sir?"

"Yes, please. Strong and black."

Abbey smiled. "Standing room only."

"My office, my rules."

"What do you want from me?"

"I need to know what your friend Jacob infected with his worm. I need to know how you were involved. I need to know his passwords."

She placed her hands on the front edge of his desk and leant forward. "If I knew I'd tell you if only to get you off my back."

Annie returned, placed one cup on the desk and poured the coffee from a large stainless steel pot. "That should keep you awake."

Haliwell glanced at Annie. "Thank you."

"What is the point of  asking the same questions?"

He peered up at the ceiling and asked himself ifthe job was worth the hassle.  "To see if you tell me the same answers. My old brain tells me I'm missing something, and I believe you know what it is."

She laughed. "Have you forgotten I was the one who informed on Jacob?"

He managed a false smile as he lifted the cup and sipped his coffee. "I'm less complicated than I appear."

A silence filled the room.

Abbey cleared her throat. "Commander, I have enough problems in my life but if I could help you, I would."

He leant back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head and watched her. "Of course you know Jacob is dead."

Surprise filled her face, and the warmth drained from her eyes. "He was a strange man. When?"

He placed his hands on the desk. "You'll be pleased to know his attacker is under arrest. We also discovered his laptop, but the hard drive contained nothing of interest."

Abbey's manner changed. "So why are you still asking stupid questions?"

"It's what I do. When Jacob launched that missile, he sent shivers through the corridors of power. What use is a missile defence system when some university student can operate it at will? Those in power want to know how. The boffins created the internet, and the world's gone mad. You and your associates worked with him and must know something."

"You know what I know."

Haliwell was irritated and checked his watch. "You can go."

He watched Abbey leave and buzzed Annie. She arrived in seconds.

"How did it go?"

He stood up. "What's your opinion of the Lane woman?"

Annie paused before she spoke. "I need to think about my answer."

"Tell me, straight off the top of your head."

"She's a spoilt brat who has had her own way for all of her life. Does what she wants when she wants and with whom she wants. Doesn't suffer fools and from the university reports, she's exceptionally talented. You don't suspect her of more involvement than she admits?"

His gaze met hers. "I think she's hiding something, but I believe in giving someone enough rope."

She smiled. "Go home and have a good night's sleep. As my mum says far too often, tomorrow's another day."

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