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Exhausted, Jeff Powell sat in his chair and sipped at another cup of thick black coffee. "Where was that lifting barge?" His eyes started to close, but a heavy knock on the door forced them open.

A young, fresh-faced officer entered. "Sorry to disturb you, sir. Message from Port of London Authority (PLA). Your barge with a crane. ETA Blackfriars fifty minutes.

"Thank you. Poke your head into where my team are resting and ask them to get ready?"

"Will do sir."

Jeff rubbed the stubble on his chin as he gave thought to the removing of the world war two bomb from the riverbed. Its size and shape determined it was a 500 KG German bomb. While organising a crane his team had cleared the area of mud, debris and readied the rusted relic for lifting. Further investigation proved the removal of the fuse, impossible.

An hour later, the officer returned. "I can see the barge, sir."

"Better get on with it then." He grabbed his foul weather jacket and followed the officer out of the building. His team, dressed and ready lounged on the stern of a police launch.

He turned to the superintendent. "When can we start?"

"As you requested, full safety restrictions are in place and will remain until you tell us differently."

Jeff jumped onto the deck of the launch and stood next to the boat driver. An eerie silence cloaked the area. No trains rattled across Blackfriars, the river and road traffic non-existent. "Did you volunteer for this?"

"Yes, sir."

"Doesn't the thought of that bomb bother you?"

"Sir, my arse is twitching like a rabbit's nose."

"That makes you human. What's your name?"

"Sidney but I answer to most things, but Sid usually works."

"It's high water in an hour. Take me to the barge, please Sid."

As the mooring ropes landed inboard, Sid steered the craft across the river. With Jeff and his team safely on the barge, Sid returned to the station.

While Jeff discussed the operation with the barge captain, the divers readied themselves. Apprehension filled their thoughts but not one man expressed fear.

Located by Sat Nav, the barge glided into position.

Jeff's pulsed shifted into overdrive as he checked the time and studied the river. "Divers in the water."

Two men slid into the water disappeared, surfaced and gave the thumbs up, confirming they were ready.

The Chief Diver noted the time in his logbook.

The men on the barge lowered the lifting straps to the divers.

Jeff stood back as the divers completed one final check before disappearing below the surface. For those on the barge, the time dragged as they listened to steady breathing from the speakers.

The lead diver voice came clearly from the speakers," Ready."

Jeff stood alongside the crane operator. "Depth twelve metres."

"Depth twelve metres, boss."

A flurry of bubbles surrounded the cable.

"Ready to lift."

"Slowly, slowly," said Jeff. "I prefer a nice smooth lift and please do not hit anything."

"I'll try not to," said the operator.

"Clear, clear, clear." Vibrated from the speaker.

Jeff let out a slow controlled breath. It would fool the barge crew, but his team knew the tension he experienced. His eyes moved with the alertness that comes from stress, and his hands remained clenched as he the next stage neared.

The hook holding the lifting straps surfaced. "Steady, steady. Keep it at a distance," said Jeff. "Stop. Now, as if you are holding a baby turn to the left until you are directly over our floating bomb holder."

"No problem guv." The crane altered its position so slowly it was difficult for anyone to make out it was moving. Ten minutes elapsed. "Will that do you guv?"

Jeff smiled. "You're not good, you're fucking brilliant."

"You said a newborn and I love kids."

The two divers surfaced and climbed onto the barge before removing their equipment.

Jeff went and checked the rusted relic before fastening the securing straps. Once back on the deck of the crane, he made contact with the police. As Jeff replaced the handset, a launch cast off from the pontoon. He waited for it to secure alongside. "You're a glutton for punishment Sid, but my team will take over from here."

"What's the plan, Sir?"

"It's straight forward really. Using your launch, we tow the bomb on our flotation device downriver to the open sea. In a cleared area, my people will attach "explosives" lower it to the bottom and carry out a controlled explosion. As we pass each bridge and tunnel, it will close until we are well clear. Every man and his dog will complain, but there's no other way."

He stopped talking as Sid gazed up at him. "What's the chance of that," he pointed at the bomb, "going bang?"

Jeff shrugged. "There's always a chance."

"Jesus," muttered Sid. "How do you remain so calm?"

"It's my job. I couldn't do yours, dealing with the dregs of society."

"It not all bad, sir."

From behind, the Chief Diver shouted. "Ready boss."

"Sid, get on your radio unless you fancy a Thames cruise." Jeff turned to face his small team. "The second Sid is on his way, secure the floatation device. Use the fifty-metre line for towing. How many sandbags did you use?"

"Twenty boss. Any more and the raft disappeared under the surface."

"Jones you drive. Let's get this show on the road before London is entirely gridlocked."

Twenty minutes later the launch towing its dangerous cargo astern proceeded towards Southend. Jeff and his chief stood in the stern of the launch. To those who understood their eyes never left the raft.

Late that night and one mile off Sheerness a controlled explosion rattled a few windows. Five minutes later, Jeff relaxed on the deck of the craft and using a life jacket as a pillow fell into a deep sleep.

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