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For once the mansion was quiet. Rosetta looked outside her window, it'd been forever since her father had came for a visit. Now being seven years old and having quite a temper when her father came late. Of course she understood why her father was late, he had to come from France. Soon there was a knock on the door and Rose headed towards it, her lips forming a smile. A bright girl she was, with curly, bouncy, dark wine red hair. The curls and grey eyes a gift from her mother. The red hair, skin color, and freckles came from her father. Her lightly tanned skin was adorned by freckles especially upon her cheeks and nose bridge. It gave her a light innocence's, as the purple dress she wore shifted with her feet. A tiny hand opened the door and she stepped back to greet whom ever it was. Her father standing at 6'5 smiled proudly towards her.

"My little Rosetta" He said, his voice gentle like a cool zephyr in the fall time. He was a handsome man, red hair, was always left to the side his bangs reached his eyebrow. He then had a full beard that was cut and kept clean. His aging blue eyes still sparked with life as his tan skin made it seem he was still young.

He caressed her cheek with his hand and lead her outside the room as they began to run around the mansion. Her fathers sheep jacket made by his sister floated around him. He was unusually fast, her tiny legs struggled to keep up with him when she chased him around the halls. He would always tell her she would get to his speed and then soon outrun him. She never understood but she thought it was some sort of power. Her mind would run wild at her being some sort of fast creature. Roses giggles filled the hallway as they ran, he was purposely slow, wanting to hear his only child giggle and scream in delight.
This wasn't until the window they stood in front of broke. Rose saw a camera pointed towards them, the lens in and out. She could of sworn her fathers blue eyes looked inhuman or maybe it was how protective his form looked when the men entered the hallway. A mind of a child was crazy, a wild thing that wasn't yet tamed. The young child looked to her father. He was growling inhumanly but a man struck him down. The mans elbow collided with his side.

"Run!" He yelled, looking to his daughter. He didn't want her to see a side of him. One that she would learn of later. Rose picked up her feet and started running. Another man held her as she struggled in his grasp.

Autumn cursed quietly, he couldn't fully change in front of her. Fangs, sharp claws, yellow eyes. Rose had her eyes closed, peeling them away, things were happening too fast for her mind to comprehend. The man that held her, dragged his knife across her right eye, wanting for her to open her eyes, the fresh wound bleed. Occupied with his wounded daughter the biggest man took out his revolver and shot her father. The sound of the gun made her ears hurt, an unshakable ringing. There laid her father, the sound of footsteps coming, the Butler. The men rushed out the window, leaving the crying child to hold onto her fathers slowly dying body. The butler wanted to interfere, drag away the child from the cooling corpse and save what was half of her. But shock made him stop. He tried to call for his master, Troy Royalce, Roses unofficial step father, she would never acknowledge that he is. She wanted her real father next to her, one to lead her down the aisle one day. Now that day would never come.
The butler finally worked his courage to pull away a screaming Rosetta, kicking and crying for her father, her mother, anyone. The man only dragged her off to the small medical room and patched up the wound on her face. The crying child wouldn't stand for this, she ran back to the scene, others carrying her fathers body off the property, officers and detectives swarmed the area and took photos. The child than ran to her room, crying until there was none left. Rose stayed there, no speaking, no movement, just the stillness of quiet and darkness. She wouldn't answer the door, neither would she eat. The young child let herself stay in a well, she was the bucket that was dropping further and further into the water never coming up.

It wasn't until at least eleven pm when she got up from her misery. Her foot steps dragged down the hallway, heavy foot in front of the other. She wondered the long hallways. Her step father was probably in his study yet she didn't want to deal with him. Her goal was to find her mother, but maybe she was busy with her new half-sister. So she started her trail to the kitchen. Opening the heavy door, she walked to the pantry, finding some bread as she grabbed the butter. Rose cut the bread and buttered it. Once she finished her snack, she walked back to her room as quietly as she could.
     "Rosetta" A gruff voice said. Her step-father.
      The young female looked at him.
      "Did you just sneak into the kitchen?" He asked.
       Rose gulped, "N-no"
        The man grabbed by the collar of her dress and dragged her into her room. He tossed her inside as she hit her closet door. He slammed the door closed and locked it. She ran to the door and pounded her fist against it.
      "Let me out!" She yelled.
      "Not till you learn your lesson" He growled and walked away.
      She didn't know what that meant, she would be let out right? What was so wrong with getting a snack?The child hadn't ate in while, her stomach rumbling. Rose slid down the door and sat there, her head in her tiny arms. She wondered where her mother was. Wasn't she her child as well?A shiver ran down the child's spine how could something like this start up? Her mind starting racing , without her father some part of her floated away, she prayed that she still be able to go back to France. 

But every time she was home, she would be locked up in that room, wailing to come out.

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