Fear the Dark

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Haven strutted across her lab. She had everything in check as she twirled around a blade of pure black. The white-haired female set down the blade and picked up her items. Opening the parasol, throwing on the shades. Her world turned black as she then appeared, meters away in the darkness from her victim. Overly pale legs walked, trailing the man. The lace of her dress sweeping across her thighs. The man had a very young looking woman with him, it made her face turn in to disgust. Havens heels clicked with every step, each step, another inch she was about to send him to Hell. George looked behind him, her eyes were clearly on him but the black shades hid it. Though she did send a smile, sharp iron teeth proudly glinting. The mans eyes  bugled before he quickly whipped his head back around. Continuing on his walk like nothing was stopping him. Haven rolled her eyes, wishing she would of worn flats instead of heels. But she had her job to do, even if the red head was going to be mad at her later. Nothing mattered except getting the girl away from the hideous man.  He lead the sweet woman into a bar. No likely to go to the restroom to piss his pants. She vanished into the shadows, waiting in the mans restroom. George walked in and that is when she came out of the shadows, her tongue running against her iron teeth. Her glasses were pulled down to reveal those black,soulless eyes. Her hands gripped his neck, iron nails poking the meat. Reminding him that she could tear at his flesh beneath. Leave him to rot like a dead body in a dumpster. 

"So tell me what do you have planned the next days?" She hissed.

The man trembled in her grasp, "N-nothing!"

She rolled her eyes and squeezed, the man choking. "I swear!"

Shadows caressed his cheeks, "Sad, its sinful to lie"

George widened his eyes, before the shadows held him there, the iron nails of hers stroked against his head. Eyes turning wholly black as the words from his mouth came out.

"Sitting at my home, torment girls, poss-" 

 She then dropped him her claws reaching for him. How dare he talk about the young lady like that? She left a bleeding wound right on his ugly face. She almost thought of reaching to his nether region but she only kicked him there, a reminder of how horrible he was. Haven then vanished into smoke. She had got her information. Even went as far as to tell the young lady to never see him again, he was married and she was just another side affair. Which was a total lie, but anything to save that girl. She shivered at the thought of this woman being handled in a way. The girl widened her eyes and left the bar crying out her pitiful eyes. She vanished towards the Chiefs house, inside Rosetta's room. Haven sat on the bed, looking at her nails. Rose came into the room and jumped.

"Oh my fuc-" She started but covered her mouth to keep her from cursing.

Haven smiled and waved a hand. 

"I have the plans"

The red headed nodded, then cocked an eyebrow, almost sensing something was out of the ordinary. 

"You look overly happy"

This girl was smart, Haven laughed.

"I scared the man what else?"

Rosetta groaned, then sat down in a chair.

"We agreed you'd follow him not scare him!"

"Oh please it was hilarious"

"That means your not coming to questioning"

Haven let out an offended gasp.

"You wouldn't"

"Yes I would, we can't have him shitting his pants while I snoop around " 


"No buts, he won't reveal anything if you are there!" 

Haven hissed towards her, the red head gave her no emotion, but a tainted smile. It was almost like it was broken, misplaced. She recognized that smile, one she wore many times. If it wasn't for her stupid demon life span she would of been able to die with her lovers. Every time one died, she made herself put on a smile as she dragged their souls to the gate, offering one last farewell. She had chosen to become loveless after the last one. But this girl, she was the same yet so much younger. But it would be time till she died off and left her alone. She would wonder what will happen when she died. Be rejoiced with all of her lovers, she would love them all day and all night. Not giving a care about how the time would past.

"Fine" Haven said, tossing her hand towards the female.

Rose sighed and shook her head, "You can stay in the shadows"

Haven grinned, she made sure she always won. She wondered when the wolf would come out to play.  Haven truly mulled of when she will come out. The female wanted all hell to break loose upon others. Releases horrors like never before, a little Nightmare. She could feel the monster inside wanting to burst out, break free from its cage. She wanted to roar and strike her claws at any who opposed her. Then she would carry there souls to the gates of hell wondering if they would be sent to the torture pits or land of the free. Souls of the damned in the torture pits made her smile in delight. Hearing there screams, the price of evil. 

The red head looked back to her, "So when do you stop acting all creepy?"

Haven shot her a look, "Its not creepy, its what I was born to do"

Rose sighed and laid back on the bed, "So what exactly is he doing?"

"Staying at home and sitting on his gleeful ass"

Rose looked to her, "So you better stay to the shadows"

"Oh I will" Haven looked at her normal nails.

Rose took out her phone, Haven watched her then as the tan girls thumbs flew across the keyboard.

"Who are you talking to?" Haven tilted her head.

"A friend"

Haven almost bursted out laughing.

"A friend? You never told me"

"High school friend"

Haven narrowed her eyes, searching for the lie. Deeming it was the truth she got up.

"Well then its must be time for me to leave"

"Good" Rose hummed, waving her hand in goodbye.

Haven disappeared into her black shadows. Coming back into her lab she made her way to the small hallway with the doors. She let herself into the downstairs. Skulls were across the shelf of her kitchen as she brought out a milk gallon, inside was a red liquid. She got herself a wine glass and poured it in. Then Haven strode to her couch, turning on the TV. She surfed through the channels huffing before finding herself comfortable with the horror movie, The Wolfman.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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