Blurry Lines

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Rosetta hissed once the alcohol pad swept across her shoulder. The only thing that horrified the paramedic was the fact that the wound was already healing. They still cleaned it and placed a bandage over it, no doubting  it would probably heal by tomorrow. Her grey eyes watched as the police men dragged out the unconscious bodies from the bank. She already had been spotted by the news television but refused to speak or been seen. Rose didn't want to suck it up, she didn't want to be in more trouble then she already was. She needed to continue her scared-like attitude. 

The female got down from the lifted step of the ambulance and stalked off to her motorcycle. She placed on her helmet and looked down to her buzzing phone. Her mind forced her to read the text, realizing who it was from she quickly headed to the location. A small buffet in the corner of the downtown city limits. It was rare for her to see high school friends but she might as well indulge with the time she had. She paid for herself with the cash she already had. Then spotted the female sitting in a corner booth. Rose smiled lightly and walked over to the table. 

Dusk stood up and smiled at the towering female before her. She had dark brown hair that ran a little past her shoulders, grey eyes that twinkled when she talked. Her skin was a little bit darker than Roses, but the female was gorgeous and had a knack for bring in attention. She was for certain a ride or die type gal. 

"I've missed you so much!" Dusk exclaimed, loudly enough for everyone to hear.

Rose glared down to her, "Yea yea" 

Dusk laughed, "You can't scare me, also why is your jacket torn?"

The red head sighed and sat down on the other side of the booth letting the conversation stop. Rose then went to studying her. The female had on a dress that was a green color that brought out the darkness of her skin, simple and pretty. Nothing much has changed. 

Dusk eyed her a bit with a cheeky smile, "Are you checking me out?"

Rose face palmed, god did this girl love attention. Dusk giggled and patted her shoulder. She looked to the short female, sitting there with her overly wide grin. 

"Oh come on Red! Don't be so shy"

"I'm not shy just wondering when you'll stop being so loud" 

The grin almost dropped from her voice. "Fine, but you gotta tell me whats been going on with you? Do you have a man yet?" 

"No I don't have a boyfriend, I'm fine"

"Wow you must have such a boring life"

"If you think solving murders is boring then check your privilege "

"Well excuse me for wanting to look my best." Dusk flipped her hair a bit.

"Why am I friends with you?"

"Because you need friends" 

Rose tossed the remark out of her head. 

"So you've been looking at dead bodies, I also saw you on the news"

Rose groaned, "Yes, it was stupid bank robbery I stopped"

"Well look at you such a good Samaritan"

"Maybe, but its just what I was taught"

Dusk laughed, "Taught?"


"Thats funny"

"How is that so funny?"

"It is!"

Rose labeled her as a crazy person. Not that Dusk already is crazy, in high school she would make the "jocks" all mad and Rose would have to save her sorry ass. Rose didn't mind it, it took out some of her anger but got her placed in the principals shit list. A special place where she was always watch in case she started a fight.

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