Almost all grown

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        It wasn't easy, she should of expected it. It's been seven years since her fathers murder. All she could do was count the days till it was summer, then she would be released from her horrid household into a more welcoming one. Rose would get on a plane to France, have a wonderful three months then be dragged back to America. She wished to spend all her time in France but her uncles and unofficial step-father had an agreement. The young child would spend her summers in France while she schooled and everything else in America during the fall, winter and spring. It why she loved Summer, she would also get to spend her birthdays there as well. Her grandmother would call her sweet and a humble young lady. Rather than bitter and sour; she was bitter and sour. Rose dreaded everything, school, life, friends, her room. Her room should of been her scapegoat but it was the vile thing she was trapped in. Any time that man had a guest over, into the room she went. She must of been a shame to him. Anything was shameful. At the age of 14 she had grown to grab onto the short temper, shorter then her younger self. Her yelling increased and so would was the slapping. Roses mother wanted to step in so many times but she stayed in the background, taking care of the other daughter; who her husband spoiled rotten. Many nights she would sit at her daughters door, hearing her cries and meaningless words of hate. She wished to return to France as well. But, she was married to the man, he was her first love. Autumn was nothing more then an affair.

 For now, sitting at the dining table, it looked like the red head was staring down her husband. Grey eyes focused on their target. Luna tapped her daughters leg, hoping she wouldn't start again. Rose looked at her mother before looking down and going into eating her food. As a teen she was one hungry child, chowing down as much meat as she could. But her all time favorite was lamb meat that was rare cooked. Mostly the chef of the house would sneak pieces of the cooked deliciousness to Rose. Getting a lit look upon the child's face. Rose ate in silence, her husband did as well. The tension was uncanny, as they would constantly glare at each other. Her youngest daughter, Isabella lip quivered, then she rang out crying loudly. Rose covered her ears, this sound rang into her sensitive ears, just like the gun shot. She snapped, her hands slamming on the table.

"Can't you shut up?" Rose hissed towards her half sister.

The toddler could only throw more of a temper tantrum. Screaming that could of as well made Roses ear bleed. The man stood up and so did Luna. Luna grabbed the screaming child, cradling her to keep her quiet and Rose looked to him, as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her away. Rose thrashed in his grip, soon enough he slapped her and Rose this time fought back, she rarely did. But something made her fight, a voice in her head, telling her to sink her teeth inside, rip whatever away.

So she did.

 Her teeth clamped onto the mans hand. It was only a quick second but the teen could feel something coming out of her gums. The man took his hand away, the teeth scraping across his skin, bone, muscle. It was bleeding and Rose took her turn to run the blood fresh in her mouth, it almost tasted sweet. 

Out the door she fled and onto the gravel road. Troy was just behind her, but she was quicker and climbed up the gate and over as she continued running. All she could think of was running, her legs barely ached. She eventually ended up at a lone street. A woman with long white hair was walking down, all alone. She had on dark round sunglasses and a black dress with bell lace sleeves. The skirt itself had a lace over the velvet the went past her milky white knees. The bodice was low cut and in an V shape. She then wore heels of black, some symbol hanging around her neck and her earrings. Then her black parasol was up covering her from the sun. Rose couldn't seem to take her eyes off of the strange woman, she just stood there watching Rose.

"What do you want!?" Rose hissed, how come this beautiful woman was walking alone?

The lady only waved her gloved hand.

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