One of many cases

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She shivered, this was totally illicit. The chief of the station usually didn't mind her looking through old files. Today, that wasn't the case. She opened the case for a murder recently happened during the night. Rose searched through the photos until a voice interrupted her.

"You know you shouldn't be looking through those young lady" A females voice, smooth by monotone, it was Haven coming through the shadows. 

"Dude what the fuck!" Rosetta hissed.

She mentally cursed again, after spending this last summer in France, her uncles did nothing to hide such colorful vocabulary. With being eighteen she caught on and used them herself. She hid the photos behind her back.

"Those are new" Haven replied bluntly. 

Rose groaned, she didn't really care. But her mind craved for something new. Turning to her friend she pointed to the picture. 

"I won't do it again if you help me look at the body" 

Haven cocked a brow. Rose knew about Havens past, about how she worked at so many morgues because of her secret.  The older female had a past time of looking at dead bodies and making medical observations. Something her family would curse her for. A demon like her would rather made sure that body went to its rightful place then using it for research purposes. Rose grinned and Haven sighed, obliging to the younger females word. Rose put the case in her messenger bag and they walked out of the file room. Rose gave a wave to the chief as she sighed and made her way to the motorcycle. Her french family gave her money to buy something, of course after all of the lessons from her uncle Raphael she wanted a motorcycle.   

Haven disappeared into black smoke as she put on her helmet. She rammed the engine before driving off to Havens lab. When she got there, Haven already had the body on her metal table. freshly stolen from the actual morgue. Her lab coat on, pulling on her gloves. Rose put some gloves and looked over the body. Victim was male, multiple stab wounds on the left side of his body. Rose measured the size of each wound and wrote it down as Haven worked her deadly magic. Watching the screen come into form in front of the woman. It pinpointed all the injuries. Each of the stab wounds were eight inches, so it had to be a chef's knife. The person was right handed and was clearly mad. The man that laid before them was a married man named Harrison Gen. Rose looked back through the photos, then looked at his left ring finger. There was barely an indent of where his ring would be. So the murderer must of been his wife who found out about his affair. Rose wrote it down and looked to the photos again. 

"We are gonna have to pay a visit to his wife" Rose said. 

Haven sighed, "Who even is she?"

Rose looked at her and pulled out her phone. Doing a quick search, she brought up a picture of a woman, Riley Gen. She found herself to be very wrong,"She isn't a chef"

"How can you assume that?" 

"Well since shes a doctor, she wouldn't be in the kitchen very often or even home. Our murderer must be the affair woman" 

Haven nodded and Rose walked out to her motorcycle after taking off her gloves. Getting back onto her motorcycle she drove to the house of the Gens. Both her and Haven knocked on the door, the woman answered. She was a young woman of lean build. Long black hair and sad green eyes. 

"Who are you?" Riley asked.

"Journalist who were wondering about your husbands murder" Rose answered, lying through her teeth.

Haven nodded and the woman reluctantly let them in. Sitting on the couch, Rose looked around and her grey hues wondered to the block of knives. The chefs knife was missing. Haven looked at Rose as she asked questions. Rose excused herself to the bathroom and instead went into the bedroom. Quickly, quietly she searched for the missing knife. She looked in the closet, a box was on the shelf and the corner was stained with a red. She pulled the box out and made her way to the bathroom. Rose opened the box and pulled out the missing chefs knife, stained in dried, crusted blood. Rose looked around and grabbed a plastic bag from the cupboard and placed the knife inside. She walked out the the bathroom and placed the box where she found it and walked back to the living room.

"So did you know of any affairs?" Haven asked.

The woman lips almost went into a smile, "No" 

Rose made a look of disbelief. This woman was one big lying pile of shit. The woman looked to Rose, sending a glare. How dare did Rose not believe the woman in front of her.

"Well I heard from my friend there was a some woman from a diner that he used to date before he married me" Riley said.

"Who?" Rose demanded, a cutting edge of a sword.

"Jaiden Holt-" Riley shivered.

"That's all" Rose got up, dragging Haven along who huffed.

"Meet back at the lab" Rose said.

Before she left she found the woman talking on the phone, no doubt to tell the other woman. 

Rose placed the knife onto the table. Haven cocked an eyebrow and looked at the knife.

"Find the DNA" Rose said.

Haven gave her a dirty look, "How the hell did you get this?"

"I didn't go to the bathroom"

 Haven rolled her eyes and went to collect the samples. "They won't be visible till tomorrow"

Rose huffed, "Stupid technology"  

Haven rolled her eyes, "Take a break and also return the file before they know that it's missing"

Rose grabbed the file and shoved it into her bag before making her leave. She returned the file and walked out a somewhat smiling female. The red head jumped back onto her bike and rode off to the mansion. Parking it, she took off her helmet and walked up the steps, letting herself in. Her tracks stopped as she looked at the people. They all were dressed so fancy, she nearly forgot. The fluttering skirts stopped dancing, the music almost a record scratch. Rose mentally made a note to make a grander entrance next time.

 She had sneaked out and now she was about to get the brunt. She looked down to her own clothes. Ripped blue jeans, a stripped tank top and her leather jacket. Obviously a incongruous sight to the other rich people. She nervously laughed and ran up to her room before that man found her. She unlocked the door and quickly went in, throwing her bag into the closet, then took off her jacket and shoes. Rose sighed and sat on her bed, but as she got up to close her door, Troy showed up and she bit her lip. But thankfully he only sent her to bed with nothing more than no dinner and a harsh slap. Her stomach growled, she even debated going out the window again, but it was late and the cameras would be watching her every move. So she took off her clothes, switching for a nightgown. Her dream was the same, she stood in her room back from an outing.

The same tingle in her gums singing. The blurry man cocked his eyebrow, noticing her backpack out, his mood suddenly changed. Rose backed up, another sensation hit her hands, something growing. Her head felt like it was fire. The man widened his eyes and backed up himself. Rose looked to her hands, sharp nails that were about an inch long replaced her old ones. She ran to the mirror, fangs were inside her mouth and eyes a yellow. She screamed out, what the hell was she. No wonder she was being treated like this. Rose looked like a monster. 

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