unexpected surprise

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- Wiko we have a great news for you!
- which news?
- you know about the best trio in UA?
- The Big Three!!
- is there a thing you don't know? Said Ashido
- what about them ?
- We had a fight with them today!! Said Sota
- whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
- Yeah , yeah , interesting right? And the little bakugo was cleaning the ground hhh , smirk Kaminari
- Shut up , Pikachu !!
- Unfortunately! I really would like to have a fight with them too !!
- do you know what their Quirks are?
- Mirio togata's Qui..-
- Mineta, Why? Asked Sero
- she mustn't know more !
- Mineta Trying to keep suspense huh ?

Kirishima was teasing Mineta  , but fir the first time he was super serious..

- Why ? You should ask her ... we don't know where she came from , she suddenly transferred to UA after All Might final Battle,  Knows even our names !
- Mineta what are you saying? We were on TV so it's not big deal to know our names right? Said Hagakure
- We all know that her fights were high level of experience! How she can do that and she's just a student huh?

Wiko was going upstairs while Mineta was talking...

- Why are you running away... Villain?

~~~~~ S          h          o          c          k ~~~~

- Mineta ? Said Ojiro
- What are saying? Said Uraraka
- Tell me you're trying to get our attention,  reply Kaminari
- I heard her talking with the Villain in changing room !

- What's your next step then?
- I am not obliged to tell you
- Huh? I think you want to explain it to tomura directly
- I've told you it's not of your f****g business!
- Okey okey I don't want the vice captain to get angry! See you later

Mineta doesn't lie , why in the world he would lie about something like that?

- please say it's not true,  though Midoriya
- Wiko- chan this is not true ...right ? said Uraraka
- geroo...
- and not just that.... continue Mineta,  she has a tattoo in her left shoulder.. of the ' ligue of Villain ' , and that's why she can't wear swimsuits and all clothes without a sleeve!!
- can we see it , wiko ? Said Tokoyami
- No need to Tokoyami-kun , Grab Juice is right ....








The A-1 now is in Confusion situation ..
Wiko was walking through the door... but no one moved...
- Than ? What are going do ? Catching me and take to the police? Hahahahaha I have pity on you Heroes..
- Wait !!! Scream Kaminari , how ? I thought we were Your family! *cracking* how could you!!!
- nonsense, Pikachu,  Villain has no family, no friends ...
- you Damn Villain...
- yes, get angry more and more !! I want to see your reaction now !! But Unfortunately I think you and your 'friends ' won't move ... so see ya!!

The camera in the dormitory recorded everything,  but Eraser head comes late .. Uraraka , Momo , even Kirishima was crying , she broke them hearts,  all those days and all those memories was faked?

*Same day at night

- I can't believe it... say Deku
- deku-kun...
Kaminari grabbed him by the collar:
- all this time she was able to take us down,  why she didn't do it?
- If Mineta didn't tell us ... said Ashido
- yeah ... add Kiyoka
- I am sure Kachan thinks the same!
- w...where is Bakugo?

Bakugo follows Wiko ... all this time he was watching silently,  maybe he wasn't  shocked as the rest of the class.. he noticed her long ago...

- how nuts are you, following me like that ?
- That's what you needed to tell me right?
- seems like he made it easy to me ..
- why would you tell me ?
- why would I tell you ...
- ..
- the room in you house was covered with blood,  right ?
- that's enough... bakugo Katsuki
- why would keep ' All For One ' secret , helping Deku ?
- Can you stop asking!! - turned to him - why wouldn't you kill me right now?!
- I don't like to say my words twice  .. I already told you  ' I kill Villains Only ' ..
- you .... will pay hard for this ..

At this moment A-1 was right there:

- Bakugo!
- Stay away from him ! Shout Kaminari
- seems like your rescue team is coming 
- I won't let go without punishment you Bi*** !!
- so reckless,  Kaminari 
A blue fire was bursting Kaminari's direction... sero launch his Scotch,  pulling him away...
- You're late Dabi...
- Well You can't blame me I was with her ...
- Izuku-kun !! I am here !! Did you miss me ?
- Toga Himiko , And Dabi , said Todoroki
-  So ... so you were with them all this time ! Said Mineta..
Anger ... Anger and more of anger was blowing in A-1 eyes  that moment , while she was smiling at them ...

- What?? are you going to fight me ? Said Wiko
- no matter how much you are strong,  you have no chance in front of us ! Shouted Ashido
- Calm Down Pinky , You will lose your energy for nothing.. and ... it was your fault from the beginning..
- What ? Our fault? Because we trusted you!! Yell Kaminari , I will kill YOU !

Dabi was about to burn the ground again.. but she tell him to stop ...
- ' You're so slow , Pikachu
- When did you get behind m..- ARGH!
- Kaminari-kun !! Shouted Midoriya
- See what happens when you are reckless? You will begin heated painfully...
- we will be late !  Remind Toga
- Can't you hurry up a little?? Affirm Dabi
- You can leave I've got the meeting place location.. I'll join you in few
- okey .. ' they both said and go ..

She turned to the Class again:
-' Now.. where we were ? Aa right ! ' Heroes course ' HAHAHA  !! 
- Wiko-san!! Just .. I can't believe you cheated us ! Please.. come back we are friends aren't we!!

Wiko laughed loudly ,  then she stopped   looking at Uraraka with dead eyes..
- Friends? Don't make me laugh,  there is no ' friends ' in Villain dictionary Floating girl !!
- Wiko-san...
- a Villain has no friends , no family , all what they do is slowing and weakening  him,  that's why he makes sure to have no one of them  ...
- Wiko-san you didn't  ...
- very cleaver Midoriya Izuku !! Yeah that right!! I eliminated them ! Killed them ! So I can stand in the front!!
- You killed your parents? Said momo
- Oh Did this hurts you Miss Yaoyorozu ? Yeah I did , 10 years Ago..
- 10 years ? That's mean you were..
- 5 years old,  Glasses boy and I can taste the blood in my fingers until now !! AND YOU'RE SAYING ' FRIENDS' ? IT'S SO BAD FOR YOU HEROES  HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

The Silent was completely covering the place,  except Wiko's High laughters ..the fear was deeply marked in all the class hearts ..

- listen heros , I will not say it again,  remember clearly my name...

She passed through the class .. beside Tsuyu , Sero , Hagakure , Mineta.. and Tokoyami, iida ,Uraraka,  shoji .. she passed beside Jiro , momo , Kaminari,  Ojiro , then she passed beside Oyama , Mina , Koda , sota to reach finally Kirishima, Todoroki , Deku , and...

- My Name's

" 'Death' Villain "

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