Prologue: The Email

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Dear Youtuber,
I'd like to offer you a chance to donate millions of dollars to your selected charities and to assist us in launching one of the biggest advances in gaming history.

The recently finished Horror Emporium, La Muerte Subita, is holding a grand opening event, and we are extending a free invitation to be one of the first people to attempt this unique experience.
This is an exclusive opportunity to film in a specialized environment, free of charge. All of the footage captured will be copyrighted to only you, and only streamed with explicit permission.

Upon agreement, all transport to and from your selected hotel will be arranged by the Horror Emporium; with no cost to you. There will also be a meeting before and after the completion of the game, where food and drinks will be provided. All food during the day(s) spent at the Emporium will be provided free of charge, as well as unlimited water.

The event starts on October, 3rd. If you choose to attend, please respond with your hotel location and any important information regarding health issues or allergies to any material or foods.

We hope to work with you,

CEO and founder, Hanayu E. Kimyona
Executive of affairs, Nicole Siah

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