Back at it Again

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Nicole welcomes them into the room beyond, handing each of them a water bottle.
"There are some sweets on the desk for you," She says with a smile, "and all the footage is available for editing immediately. Whenever you're ready, we can get both of you set up."
Jack nods, already halfway through his bottle. Beside him, Mark is only playing with his, looking around at all the monitors in the dark room.
Whatever, he doesn't care.
His face is hot because his blood sugar is low, not because he remembers Mark's half asleep voice calling his name...
Jack rushes over to the desk and hurriedly shoves a blueberry muffin in his mouth.
He isn't thinking about it!
He's thinking about his girlfriend-- about beautiful smiles and soft touches, holding her to him while they sleep.

About large, warm hands and safe embraces.

Suddenly, he can't swallow.
"I need to step outside; is there any way I can get out of here?" He asks, turning to look at Nicole. She looks surprised, but nods, motioning for him to follow her through a doorway labeled "Staff only" and down a staircase beyond. At the bottom is a glowing exit sign and Jack goes to push the door open below it when a hand stops him;
It's Nicole; her pretty face pinched in worry,
"I won't ask about it, and I won't tell anyone where you are. I just need to know if you can get back alone or if you want me to wait here inside the door."
He musters a little smile for her;
"I can get back, thank you."
She nods and starts back up the stairs.

Once he can't hear her footsteps anymore, Jack rushes out the door and pulls his phone from his pocket. It's soaked, but it works.
He dials Signe's number and waits while the phone rings.
She doesn't pick up, so he calls again.

This time, her voice filters through the line and Jack's never been so happy to hear it.
"Sean?" she asks, her voice sounding sleepy.
He'd forgotten there was a time difference between here and there.
"Sorry, Wiish." He says, throat closing up, "I just needed to hear your voice."
He can hear the covers on their bed rustle as she sits up;
"What's wrong?" She asks, worry clear in her voice, "What happened?"
It takes him a second to swallow the frog, but he does it.
"Nothing happened, baby. It's the halfway point of the event and I missed you." he lies.
She sees through it, just as he knew she would.

"It's about Mark, isn't it?"
He can't help but laugh mirthlessly in answer; he doesn't keep secrets from her.
He can't.
Doesn't want to.
"He called me babe." he admits.
She's silent on her end of the line, and Jack knows she's angry at Mark, not at him, but it still stings a little.

"During the game, I had a bit of a panic attack. He was there when I woke up; he was half asleep, had me cuddled up close. I accidently head-butted him in the chin..."
He didn't even have to explain anymore, Signe was already out of bed, walking around, irritated.
"We ended up in the same hotel, too."
She sighs and Jack lets himself slump against the side of the building, looking out over the gloomy backyard. The grass is yellow, swaying in the light breeze and rain had fallen while he was inside, making the few trees nearby sag with added weight. It was so serene, the sound of small birds flitting around; singing.
"You called me which means you feel some way." she says; "Tell me, Sean."
God, he loves her. His heart swells with it, and he can feel the tears start to fall down his cheeks.
"I hate him, Wiish. I mean, of course I don't, but it's been years. He's shut me out, lead me on, I feel like his toy and I hate it. I'm happy, with you I'm so happy, Wiish; but he's just reopening wounds he doesn't realize he's created."
He itches to feel her hands on him, in his hair, hugging him; he misses her.

"Listen to me, Sean."
He can't help but obey;
"Endure this, and make your choice. Don't let him stop you from helping all those people, from helping your charity. Don't let him control you, don't let him lead you by the nose. Stay aware; but open. Maybe something will happen and it will change everything. Don't use me as an excuse to make yourself miserable."
Jack sobs into the phone, unable to stop;
"Call me when you finish the game; I'm always here. I miss you; can't wait for you to come home."
"I love you, Wiish"
"I know. I love you too."
It doesn't make him feel any less guilty for the way he's feeling, but it gives him a sense of drive. He wipes his face dry and sits down on the semi-dry ground by the building's overhang. He wants to go home, he wants this to be over. He doesn't want to go back inside and face Mark.
Leaning back against the wall, he takes in the grey afternoon. It's enough to calm his inner turmoil for a little bit.
"I miss you, Wiish." He says to the sky, tired smile stretching over his face.

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